
Well Known Member
Does anyone have some first hand experience with vortex generators on RV's? I have a read a few things and flown a couple planes with them. Do they make much of a differance with the RV's? I know that Van's is not a big fan of them.
They reduce the top speed slightly (2 mph?) and move the stall down a little bit (2 mph?). It was hard for me to measure. I didn't change my approach speed but suspect there might be a hair of extra margin. Where I do notice them is trying to turn with other planes. Other RV's w/VG's used to out turn me (I'd enter an accelerated stall). That is no longer the case :)

People who have competed in acro with the RV's also like VG's.

It seems for the vast majority of RV's there is not a strong reason to have VG's.
Terry Jantzi did some VG testing on his RV-6, with a flight test airspeed boom with swiveling pitot-static head. He seems to have found about a 5 ft stall speed reduction with flaps up, and about 3 kt reduction with flaps fully extended. He found that the stall speed reduction did not allow a landing speed reduction, as the tail wheel would hit the ground first in a three point landing. He found about a 3 kt loss in top speed.
I have VGs on my -6. Everything that Kevin (Terry) reported is true. Mine are semi-permanently installed until next paint job. I would not recommend them.

I tried them this week

I found it very hard to determine any changes to my flying speeds, approach and landing with them as compared without them. I have my VG's attached with really good carpet tape, I plan to experiement with them some and see if I can make a more educated conclusion as to keep them or remove them. I made my own VG's out of raw aluminum T stock, took approx 4 hours of my hobby time and $14 for 12 feet, I have 6 feet left over. Size of the VG are 1 inch in lengh, each tab are 3/8" and I made the base concave to better surface for adhearing to the wing. I based my size of the VG's after the BLR VG's on our Cheiftain that I fly. I placed each pair of VG's approx 3 inches apart starting at the wing tip gave me 11 pairs (22 total) for a grand total of 44 VG's.
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