I'm New Here
I'm looking for some direction on where to install a VOR Whisker antenna on a RV6A. I have heard that some have mounted it on the top part of the Vertical, some have suggested mounting on the underside, aft part of the empanage. I would appreciate any feedback and / or pictures of an installation.
Welcome to VAF, bpete...

...I have a whisker on my -10, under the rear fuselage and that's a bad spot.
Your eyes can so easily get poked when you squat to tie down the tail and when you wash the belly.

Put it on top of the VS, out of the way of eyes.

VOR antenna

Have you considered an Archer style in the wingtip??

Properly installed and grounded, they are very effective, and it really is working well in my aircraft. (The Wingtip comms, not so much.)

Just a suggestion....