
Well Known Member
Question for the real electronics heads on VAF... any suggestions on how to generate a VOR composite signal? [That's the audio signal containing the two 30Hz frequencies, I don't need an RF signal.]
I found a how-to to do this in LTSpice, but that requires setting the OBS angle, running the sim, saving the file, then playing the file. I'd like something more interactive so I can adjust the OBS without all that fiddling.

Some thoughts I've had - use an Arduino to generate the two 30Hz signals, then external circuitry to FM the ref onto the 9960Hz subcarrier.

Maybe some code with a Raspberry Pi?

I don't need bench check accuracy. 5 degrees would be fine. I certainly don't want to buy a $1000+ tester.

Once upon a time I wrote some code to generate these signals (probably 15 years ago), but I can't find it and can't recall how I did it.