

Hello, my name is Kelby Alexander. Son of Von ALexander, who died in the RV-8 we built together in 1999. We are going to have a fly in at the Independence Oregon airport July 1st in his memory and all the RV pilots we have lost over the years. I would love as many RV-ers to fly in and have a good lunch and talk rv's for the day. It will start at 10 a.m. July 1st. We will have a great big lunch prepared and have some tropheys to give away as well.

The reason we are putting this on is to remember my Father and other great pilots just like him. I know they would love this, since a fly in to an RV-er is the best time they can have. I am going to be starting construction on an RV-8 in a few months. It is going to be a "Memorial Plane." It will be dedicated to any Rv pilots that have died doing what they love. All of their names and tail numbers will be airbrushed somewhere on the plane as well as those who have donated their help, tools or money no matter how large or small will all get thier names airbrushed on the plane. In order to pay for this, my family and I will be holding various fund raising events. For instance, we have started to put together custom flight suits with your tail number, type of rv, piolts name and the date of your first flight all embrordered on them. The proceedes will go towards the memorial plane. Please let me know what you guys think about this idea and if you can make it to the Fly-In on July 1st. You are more than welcome to email me at [email protected] or just leave a message here. I look forward to hearing your feedback, thank you.