
Well Known Member
Looking for Twin Cities area RV pilots with 100 hours of RV time willing to get on my insurance to take my plane up for a little exercise. Obviously I pay for gas.

I'm not able to go with you at the moment but perhaps you'd also consider flying as a safety pilot for me once I am.

Thanks for your consideration.
Bob, I'm out in CA. If I was nearby I'd love to fly with you as I'm sure many others would. They're out there, they just haven't seen this thread yet.

I've read your "end of the line thread" with great sadness. Quite frankly I'm impressed with the way you've handled the situation, you've made difficult choices and have thought not just about your personnal need while doing so. I can only hope that if/when the day comes for me I can make my decision as well.

I was happy to see you post this, and I know somebody will pop up that will work out for you in this regard.

All the best,
Wow. This one surprises me. Free airplane. Free gas. No volunteers.

I honestly didn't see that coming.

Agreed, I thought you'd have 3 pages worth of "takers" by now. Perhaps your local RVators haven't yet spoken up for fear that this deal is too good to be true. Maybe at least making them pay for their own fuel will take the edge off and bring them out of the woods - that would still be an unbelievable deal. Best of luck.
Same here, Louisiana is a bit out of range. I would like to be able to help you and fly with you.

Probably right. I did get an email from a fine aviator who lives near KSGS today. I'm sure we can get it arranged so he has use of the plane. Just have to wait for Nationair.

In the meantime, moving ahead on exploring paint trim options .
Everybodies out chopping firewood for the winter Bob - not reading VAF! ;)

I'd be happy to help out when I am in town visiting the folks. Unfortunately, that usually coincides with the Thanksgiving Weekend Blizzard or the Christmas Week Storm. But if it's nice, Jenny can usually add me to insurance pretty quick....

I now have over 500 hours of RV time and I would love to exercise your -9 but only if you were in the left seat.

Unfortunately, SC is a bit far from MN and I don't plan on visiting my brothers up there in the twin cities any time soon.

Best of luck!

I now have over 500 hours of RV time and I would love to exercise your -9 but only if you were in the left seat.

Unfortunately, SC is a bit far from MN and I don't plan on visiting my brothers up there in the twin cities any time soon.

Best of luck!

And Bob doesn't have a -9.

I just flew an 8A this morning. I was told something like 25 hr "A" time and 250(?) hr total time is needed for insurance.
I'm confused...

Is your insurance company saying that someone with 500 hours in a -7 would need 25 hours in a -7A? They can't be serious.

Hi Bob,
I have been instructing in RV's for 20 years. I have done 25 first flights. I am an airline pilot. I am also rated in RV formation. I would be interest in helping you I can pay for gas. Steve Flattum 815 -519-3087
Hi Bob, My wife and I make several trips a year to Minneapolis, I'ld love to take you flying if your buying the gas. ;) the only problem is my wife is a huge MPR fan and you'ld have to let me buy dinner afterwards.


I insure with Nationair so that would be a non issue.
Someone asked in the GRT probe thread if I got someone to exercise my plane but I didn't want to hijack the thread so I'll just post an update here.

Yes. Two.

Joe Coraggio, a pilot for Compass, lives just a couple blocks from the airport and contacted me. He met me at the hangar yesterday even though the weather was too poor to fly and I gave him the cook's tour. A gentleman who might be interested in buying the plane stopped by and while I was showing him around, Joe went out and noticed the sun had come out. End of showroom tour.

We pulled her out and hopped in. Joe said he flies from the right seat a lot for work so I went through the start procedure, spun the plane around and gave it to Joe.

He had a great touch on the plane and it was actually thrilling to sit there and watch someone else fly the plane down to Red Wing and get excited about how good she is. We had a direct 10 knot crosswind in Red Wing but, of course, Joe nailed it perfectly as he did on the return to KSGS.

I told him he's free to take the plane somewhere if he returns it full, otherwise if he just takes it out once a week the ride's on me. "My goal is just to keep you flying," he said.

One other gentleman -- with lots of RV experience -- has also volunteered. I've got to get him added to my insurance here pretty quick.

As for my physical situation, I returned to work today after a month away. I've got some decisions to make within the month. One is an operation that will wipe out all (little) remaining hearing and cut all balance information from my left ear. The FAA tends to look favorably on this sort of thing, but the recovery time is 3 months and it's a very uncomfortable one as your other ear, eyes and bones have to learn to compensate. Is it worth it? I don't know. There are risks. I've got to sort them out.

Thanks for asking.
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That is good news finding a pilot to fly your baby.
As to the medical problem, all of us on the website are pulling
for you. Best wishes to a great RV builder/pilot.

Dale F. Field
RV6A St. Cloud,Mn

That is good news finding a pilot to fly your baby.
As to the medical problem, all of us on the website are pulling
for you. Best wishes to a great RV builder/pilot.

Dale F. Field
RV6A St. Cloud,Mn
Heard back from the underwriter today that adding a third safety pilot will increase the premium so I won't be going that route. This means I'll only be able to fly with one of two pilots who've volunteered and kind of corrupts the whole "you can fly as long as someone else is flying with you."

This brings up the whole question of the risk of flying without insurance, which I'll have to think about.

It should be really interesting next year when I check the "have you ever been denied..." box.