
Legacy Member
If you haven?t heard, the RV-12iS kit has been chosen by EAA for the One Week Wonder project at Airventure 2018. Are you interested in being part of the team that will build an RV-12iS in 6.5 days during Airventure 2018?

As can be imagined, it will require many hands to complete the aircraft build in 6.5 days so a team of volunteers is being sought. Anyone with an interest in being part of the build team, fill out the online application form, accessible from the front page of Van's Aircraft's web site or via THIS LINK.

We don't guarantee participating will make you famous, but you never know (and you get an exclusive/collectible t shirt)......:D

Teens involved with teen build groups are encouraged to register. (Please mention you?re a teen builder in the comments section)
I'm in!

Hey, Scott. I plan to be there a lot, covering the action for the KITPLANES website and a magazine article, so maybe you can promise fame as well as a unique tee shirt! :D
Me too..

..I plan to be there an help with the One Week Wonder this year. I still need to figure out my "can't miss" itinerary, so I know what days I can volunteer, but I'm definitely "in."
Count me in!

I?m committing to a large chunk of time during the week to pitch in and offer my experience as an early builder. Looking for other early builders to have a reunion of sorts. John? Marty? Tony? Joe? Others?
..I plan to be there an help with the One Week Wonder this year. I still need to figure out my "can't miss" itinerary, so I know what days I can volunteer, but I'm definitely "in."

Yeah, this is what's stopped me from signing up so far. I definitely want to help out, but not sure what my schedule will look like. The good news is that my main OSH goals this year involve haranguing assorted vendors, but I'm sure there will be some forums and such I want to attend. So far they only seem to have really generic stuff on the schedule, so not useful as of yet.
Plans are coming together......

The planning process is well under way, but there is still opportunity to register as a volunteer.

If you have already registered, you should have received a confirmation e-mail from me, asking you to reply. If you have not received one, please check your SPAM folder.

With Airventure 2018 only a little more than 9 weeks away, the schedule needs to be firmed up soon so if you were intending to participate, please register now.

If there are any teen build groups that are intending to participate, but have not yet registered or contacted me, please do so now.

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