Tucson Al

Southern Arizona Teen Aviation has been active about 4 years. We have had great support from our volunteer mentors, but some of them are ready to move on.

I thank them for their support and hard work.

But we need to keep going. I am looking for a couple of experienced builders or A&P’s that would be interested in joining us. It is a wonderful experience to work with these young people.

We have finished 2 RV12iS airplanes and have started our 3rd. Funding had not been a problem.

For those of you that are not ready to be irrelevant just yet please think about contacting me.

Alan Muhs
Tucson, Arizona
It's an interesting experience.

I was one of several volunteer mentors, mostly from Chapter 288, for a 2-year RV-12 build at Atlantic High School in Daytona Beach, FL. If anyone out there is wondering whether to volunteer, let me give you an insight into what is it like.

Some of the students were highly motivated and took direction very well. Some were not. At times it felt like trying to herd cats. And it was interesting to watch them try to read the KAI on their smart phones. We had the KAI printed out on 11x17 sheets but reading paper seemed to be not in their thought processes. And many had no knowledge whatsoever of tool use, so there was a lot of productive coaching on that topic. It took two school years to complete and fly the airplane. It felt like a pretty big accomplishment when it made the first flight. I used up a lot of time and emotional energy but in the end I would say it was worth it. Give it a try. I'm in the wrong part of the country for this one.
Building Airplanes…..Creating Futures

First I want to thank Vansairforce for showcasing my search for volunteers this past Monday. Hopefully some other programs will get inquiries as well.

I am not sure the last contributer, Charlie12, is inspiring anyone to join a student build program.

One of the reasons our program, and I am sure others as well, exists is to pass along our knowledge, enthusiasm, and love of aviation. I believe we adults/mentors bear a responsibility to do this.

While the tangible results of the student program is an airplane that is not the most important part. Helping each student, motivated or not, develop into a productive adult with goals, skills and confidence is what brings me back to each build session.

It is very rewarding to see the student that seemed lost in the beginning becoming one of the stars.

I encourage anyone to join.

Last item. One of the workshop rules is that phones are not allowed in the building!!

Alan Muhs
Southern Arizona Teen Aviation
Tucson, Arizona