
Active Member
Looking for any information for a good location as well as recommended setup for the alternator/ voltage regulator circuit. Im not an electrical guy and could use some basic help.
I put mine on the subpanel

Looking for any information for a good location as well as recommended setup for the alternator/ voltage regulator circuit. Im not an electrical guy and could use some basic help.

Note that I have two, one for the main bus and one for the essential bus.


...but then again, I have an Affordable Panels installation, so I can remove the instrument panel to gain access. Mind, you I am nowhere near flying, so take this for what it's worth.

I'm also fishing for comments from the community of the "Man, you'll hate having them there!" variety before it's too late.

Plane Power Altrnator

Look at the "Plane Power " alternator. It has built in voltage regulator and built in over voltage protection.
No need to mount a seperate voltage regulator in cabin area.
I wish it had been available when I was building my 7A.
It will simplyfy your wiring.
I think Vans sells these now.
And it also has...

Look at the "Plane Power " alternator. It has built in voltage regulator and built in over voltage protection.
No need to mount a seperate voltage regulator in cabin area.
I wish it had been available when I was building my 7A.
It will simplyfy your wiring.
I think Vans sells these now.

...a built in "idiot light" output if you want to use it.

Useful if you don't have the automatic monitoring of a EFIS/EMS system.