
Well Known Member
Just curious if anybody has been able to source the electrical connector used on the Ducati voltage regulator? I've done some searching at online electrical parts suppliers until my eyes glazed over ... but have yet to find a connector that looks like the one we use on the Ducati regulator.

I'm thinking about making an extension cable to relocate the VR (it will be a Silent Hektik) to a cooler location ... so I would need the source and part number for both the male and female connector housings. I know I could change to a different style connector altogether, but would prefer to keep backward compatibility with the the Ducati VR so it can be used in a pinch.

If you are going to use the SH regulator, get the connector they offer. I think it is an extra 15 Euro and also includes wire terminals. I bought both (in October 2015) because I wasn't sure if the SH would match the Ducati connector, they do. Haven't installed SH yet because the Ducati is still operating correctly at 96hrs(hope I didn't just jinx it). Had a nice visit with the owner of Silent-Hektic. He was not averse to sales in the US but said the shipping is prohibitively expensive, about 70-80 Euro. If you ever need warranty work you would have to pay for return shipping.
If you are going to use the SH regulator, get the connector they offer. I think it is an extra 15 Euro and also includes wire terminals. I bought both (in October 2015) because I wasn't sure if the SH would match the Ducati connector, they do. Haven't installed SH yet because the Ducati is still operating correctly at 96hrs(hope I didn't just jinx it). Had a nice visit with the owner of Silent-Hektic. He was not averse to sales in the US but said the shipping is prohibitively expensive, about 70-80 Euro. If you ever need warranty work you would have to pay for return shipping.
Just to verify, can you provide us with the SH model name and part number?
I am also interested in the SH.
Thank you in advance.:)
SH regulator

I got the 4112 regulator, and since I was standing at the counter, simply asked for the connector. Don't know the part number for the connector. I'm working in Houston now so I can't put my hands on the actual parts. Jetguy might be able to provide further information.
Unfortunately I did not receive the connector that has been mentioned with my Silent Hektik regulator ...when I got my SH 4112 regulator much to my surprise, it came with wires coming out of the unit. The regulator I received was a R-4112 and not a F-4112.

I ordered based the part number as seen on a photo posted in the early threads here in the forums. My understanding is SH has since changed the part number to F-4118 for regulator units that come with the spade leads and plug ... which is the one we want. I was told the only version of the 4112 regulator being made is the version with wires coming out of the unit with bullet terminals on the ends of the wires.

I'm OK with the wires coming out of the unit because it should be beneficial for where I'm going to attempt to locate the unit ... but it sure would be nice to have the male and female connector housings for the wiring extension I will need.

Return from the future: Thankfully before wiring up my Silent Hektik R-4112 regulator I noticed a small difference in a couple of the drawings at the Silent Hektik WEB site. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to filter the Silent Hektik WEB pages through a German to English translator. As mentioned, I was surprised to receive a version with wires coming out of the regulator even though the unit was a 4112 part number ... but it was R-4112 and not F-4112 as a unit that posted here in the forums with spade leads of which there is a photo of here in the forums showing the spade connections. Apparently, there were variants at the time my order was placed. To my understanding, all the 4112 regulators with wires coming out of the regulator are wired differently …. and NOT what we want as a replacement for the Ducati regulator for our RV-12's.

Builders beware!!! Here is the BIG BIG difference. On the standard Ducati regulator reading the terminals from left to right you have G G R +B L C. On the Silent Hektik R-4112 WITH WIRES, the terminals are marked as G G R B- L C. On the Silent Hektik regulator with the F-4112 part number and the spade connectors (like the Ducati unit) the terminals are marked as G G R B+ L C.

The big difference is where the regulator receives it ground from …. The R-4112 unit WITH WIRES gets its ground from the B- lead (blue) which needs to be connected to the battery's ground terminal … however, the RV-12 wiring configuration connects this lead to the battery's positive terminal, not good!!! Yet, the regulator version with the spade leads uses the regulator case as the ground and the B+ terminal is connected to the battery's positive terminal, as it is in our RV-12 application.

I’m assuming this must have created quite a bit of confusion which is likely why Silent Hektik changed the part number to F-4118 for the regulator with the spade terminals and now the one they recommend on their WEB site as the replacement for the Ducati regulator on Rotax912/914 engines. … the F-4118 regulator IS the one we want to install as the direct plugin replacement for the Ducati regulator. The leads are marked as G G R B+ L C which is what we want. The F-4118 regulator also has an added feature of a four stepped voltage output ... so it can be used not only on lead acid batteries, but also on ion batteries as well. If you have one of the F-4112 regulators with the spade leads you should be OK just check that the sticker above the terminals says B+ and NOT B-. Just be sure NOT to use one of the regulators with the wires because it is NOT pin for pin compatible with the Ducati regulator.
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inflated shipping charges

I bought the SH regulator directly from this motorcycle shop in Great Britain, rather than using eBay. Price was similar. In either case, the $50 or $55 shipping charge doesn't correlate too well with the actual 17 GB pound (US $21) stamp on the box. Other posts declare $70-$80 shipping costs--kinda hokey.
Is it possible to salvage the male connector off from an old defective Ducati regulator?

Joe ? Good question.

I wondered the same thing and had a look at some of the photos available showing the circuit boards of failed Ducati units. I suppose it is doable to salvage a male connector housing, but it appears as though leads on the connector housing make a 90 * bend where it is soldered onto the circuit board ? so I think the result would be really kludged. Plus, there is no insulation between the individual circuit contacts that exit the body of the connector housing.
I bought the SH regulator directly from this motorcycle shop in Great Britain, rather than using eBay. Price was similar. In either case, the $50 or $55 shipping charge doesn't correlate too well with the actual 17 GB pound (US $21) stamp on the box. Other posts declare $70-$80 shipping costs--kinda hokey. you have info on motorcycle shop you purchased your SH from? If so please email to [email protected]