
Well Known Member
anyone using a voice recorder wired to their com radio and intercom? if yes,how useful is this device? how often do you use it? would you install again? i plan to replace my intercom and the voice recorder seems like something "while i am in there" that would be useful to have. thanks for any replys...lawrence...
my experience with a recorder built-in to the intercomm (which records up to thirty seconds of a transmission) is-- about as useful as teats on a boar hog. ;)
that's a science term. I minored in animal husbandry.

Although I haven't used it once in 115 hrs. I would still choose the same intercom because it has plenty of other bells and whistles.

IIRC you hold the button down for two seconds.

HTH hope that helps
anyone using a voice recorder wired to their com radio and intercom?...
When I first heard of this I thought about it. Ok, I didn't understand the instructions but I say I did because I can replay it. But when I replay it I still can't understand it. Everything deteriorates from there.

I think we need to understand things in real time or say we didn't get it, right then, and get it straightened out.
A good fifteen years ago, we put new intercom systems into our fire trucks that had this capability. We thought it would be great to be able to play back dispatch's calls to confirm adresses and the like. They proved pretty much worthles - it was just easier to say "Say again?" on the radio....

Voice Recorder

I have an intercom recorder in my 6. I seldom if ever use mine. I write down everything the controller tells me out of habit. Save the panel space for something else.

it could/would come in handy for lengthy IFR clearances while you're on the ground.

When I was training for Instrument a couple of times when picking up a clearance before start up or in the runup area at Santa Monica, I said, "Stand by for read back." and took a minute or two to understand Santa Monica's clearance to RAL Riverside.

In the air, "Say again please? I need everything after-- Cleared to...." :)

I need to actually test it out.