
My vm1000 will not go into lean mode. When I press button 1 my display blinks but no brackets and the bars do not change. Also it seems that it always shows c3 as the hottest but if you scroll thru them manually other cyl are hotter. Any help would be appreciated
Are you having any other anomalies that may indicate a low or dead internal battery? Things like system forgetting fuel tank size and tach time resetting to 0000.0. I've known a dying battery to cause unusual problems, just a thought ...
Not a ton of help, but I had the same problem with my VM1000. I actually ended up switching out the DPU on mine. The new DPU works fine in lean mode. The thought of changing out the battery may be promising. I did not try that. If you search my posts you will see a thread about changing the battery (which I did on the new DPU before I put it in). I do have instructions for resetting the tank size and tach time if you do get into a battery changing mood.


Thanks I'll try the battery. I don't think I can find a dpu as they aren't made anymore right?
I'd recommend going the battery change route first, it's pretty cheap to do it and realtively straight forward. Be sure to write down your tach time before doing this procedure, once you pull out the chip, all your customized parameters will have to be reprogrammed, tach time being one of them. you are right that the DPUs are no longer made, but it's not too hard to find a good used one, eBay and Barnstormer's have been good sources for spare parts for me. I've accumulated a decent stock of VMS parts (unfortunately no spare VM1000 DPU, but do have a EPI800 DPU) this way.