I don't mean to hijack this thread, but the VM1000 is nearing the end of it's useful life expectancy, and now that we no longer have Reggie to bail us out, I am beginning to think about a suitable replacement. I am thinking JPI since they tend to use some of the same senders.

Anyone have any thoughts on the EDM-350?

I miss Reggie :(
JPI theoretically supports the vm1000. I tried them once and they did try to help.

What happened to Reggie?


Not sure, but here is the update from his website:

Feb 8, 2020. Due to unforeseen circumstances, all support services are terminated. The web site will remain up as a source of information for the experimental aircraft community.

​Stay healthy and safe during the pandemic, follow the CDC guidelines.
John, I would also like to read about your experience with the EDM-350, install, use of VM sensors, etc. Thanks!