
I'm New Here

Did some of you already tried (or maybe know) if it is posible to use the fuel level indicator alone (EPI800) without the large VM1000 display?
For the moment I have a complete VM1000 system with the EPI800 for fuel level with capacitive fuel probes in my tanks.

I want to replace the VM100 with a GI275 EIS unfortunately it is not yet supporting the capacitive fuel probes for the moment but I heard that it might be added to the development roadmap at Garmin in the futur.

So I want to make in a first time an hybride installation: GI275 EIS for all the parameters except the fuel. And keep my VM1000 DPU with only the EPI800 for the fuel level indicator and remove the large screen. then when my capacitive probes will be compatible with the GI275 EIS I will remove the VM1000 DPU and the EPI800.

Please let me know if you know if this can work like this for the EPI800.

Have a good day.
