
Vlad is making quite the journey. Just spotted him this evening.

Couldn't get the photo to work from my phone and horrible internet.

WAY west of Kenai, I don't know if APRS will work way out here....
Couldn't get the photo to work from my phone and horrible internet.

WAY west of Kenai, I don't know if APRS will work way out here....

Yep, He left Kenai early AM. Good to know he made it out West ok! It looks like the weather maybe allowed him to get to where he was headed.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

Thank you for tracking guys. Made it to my planned destination Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The trip could not be possible without help from all my friends. Thank You! The trusty RV took another beating and survived. Will be heading back leasurely when weather improves. Looking forward to see you Andy.

I like the bottle of booze:D

Finely distilled and presented personally by an RVator from PA. Very smooth spirit thanks Jeff! I told you where I uncork it :D

Went up local for about an hour what an island! Makushin volcano is breathing. Developing pictures will post later...
Awesome Vlad! Great to see you made it! Congratulations.

Best regards,

Thanks Mike! Wouldn?t be possible without your help. I wish you could join me, maybe next time. Amazing scenery here not much traffic I had the airport for myself most of the day.

Explored WWII fortifications.

Then climbed on top of Makushin volcano. Stunning beauty!

There was a whiff of bad breath :D

Good times very good.
Russki, cool pics as usual! See you this Saturday for my pre-Alaska briefing! ;)

Mike, see you around July 1, best as I can figure!

Looking forward to the trip!

...can't wait!

I will write it up within a thread here later.

:cool: CJ
For some of us, this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, but Vlad once again makes it look so easy! We'll keep following you Vlad, and have a wonderful trip! Love seeing your progress and where your Northern adventures take you!

I hope to get the RV-6 up there in the near future! Safe flying, and enjoy every ounce of it!


Maybe someone can make a screensaver, when you log in you can track the progress of where Vlad is today. Privacy would be an issue but it would be fun to live it vicariously (include pictures).
Hope to meet some of you on the first Monday evening of Oshkosh.
Keep us posted!
It was nice meeting you Andy. You should bring your RV9A to Dutch Harbor. With all your busy working schedule you won?t be able to fly much though. Tom sold me 20 gallons of avgas he said he will keep a stash for us. Good people are at the airport the manager rocks!

Could you overnight another bottle of Manatawny Keystone to zip code 99692? It?s almost gone :D


Would it be too much to ask to have some King Crab shipped to zip code 29492? :)
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I wonder if the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta ski jacket is along on this adventure?

My cross-country trips pale in comparison. Please keep writing and posting the pictures!

Fly on Vlad!

Whiskey shipment

Unfortunately Pennsylvania laws don?t allow us to ship out of state.
I will have another bottle waiting for your return. Great photos.
Unfortunately Pennsylvania laws don?t allow us to ship out of state.
I will have another bottle waiting for your return. Great photos.

Certain parts of Alaska call that "Bootlegging" with the opportunity to get free lodging, however the State does like you to also donate large portions of green paper to the cause...

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Very impressive VLAD like seeing your trips, keeps me pushing my (much smaller) boundaries a little at a time.
You can?t imagine how many people these posts likely reach and affect, if only in a small but significant way.

Would it be too much to ask to have some King Crab shipped to zip code 29492? :)

Sorry Tom all king crab is gone. It was my first and second tasting of it never tried before. Mike helped. You see that Rocky? :D

I wonder if the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta ski jacket is along on this adventure


No ski jacket on this trip Carl all rain gear. But some space souvenirs are riding with me, a badge from you, a medallion from Paul and a Mir patch from the owner of N30. :D

Very impressive VLAD like seeing your trips, keeps me pushing my (much smaller) boundaries a little at a time.
You can’t imagine how many people these posts likely reach and affect, if only in a small but significant way.

Jeff, your plane knows the road to Alaska. Fred flew her here.

Captain John,
Unable to attend your pig roast. Here is your briefing.

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