
Well Known Member

I'm getting ready to change my 5" Grove wheels/brakes to Matco 6". Does anyone know the proper Viton O-Ring size for Service Letter SL-00047? Matco lists the stock Buna O-Ring as MSC 2-218. Van's lists their U-00015-1 Viton O-Ring and also reference a -218 trailing number (size code). Not sure if this is the correct O-Ring for me to use, as Van's description goes on to say it is the replacement for the Cleveland 5x5 brake systems. Have not received the Matco 6" parts yet, so cannot measure. Anyone have these and know the answer?

The answer is in your post - 218, that defines the o-ring dimensions. Now, you can look for the material and hardness produced in that #. i.e. if the Mattco # is 218, then the Vans viton 218 will fit.

The link below has them, but with a min qty of 5 + shipping likely better to get elsewhere.

For all your future o-ring needs here is a chart I downloaded and laminated it for the shop. If measuring the shaft, bore and groove use 20% compression to narrow the selection for your part.
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