
I'm New Here
Hello. I am a RV9 owner from Johannesburg South Africa and fly from Rand Airport. I will be visiting Fairfax From 9 May and also New York.
I am looking for a oppertunity to fly with another RV owner whilst in the States, close to these locations. I also invite Members from the states who visit RSA to contact me with similar request. Eben van Niekerk
Hello. I am a RV9 owner from Johannesburg South Africa and fly from Rand Airport. I will be visiting Fairfax From 9 May and also New York.
I am looking for a oppertunity to fly with another RV owner whilst in the States, close to these locations. I also invite Members from the states who visit RSA to contact me with similar request. Eben van Niekerk

Eben, PM me your days in NY we may go up in my 9 if weather is right and my work schedule matches. If you stay in Manhattan I can pick you up and drop off. My airport is about 60 miles from the City.
Thoroughly enjoyed meeting Eben and Sandra! Took Mini excursion via congested NYC then drove to the airport for a ride. Extraordinary folks! Thanks for coming! I'll get to South Africa some day and you show me the bush.



Eben I have that hat of yours at the back of my RV. Come one more time to pick it up. :)
you da man

Valad, it was nice of you to show hospitality to the visitors from SA. If you get out my way, let me know and lunch is on me!
Rock wood, you just opened up a whole can of worms!! He is probably on foreflight as I type this, flight planning his way to CO!
Rock wood, you just opened up a whole can of worms!! He is probably on foreflight as I type this, flight planning his way to CO!

You read my mind. It's not that far. For a free Taco Bell sandwich I would fly to Colorado. I've already got couple connections there :D

Vlad, I have connections in CO too. Pick a good weekend. I will stay with Mile High Relic and you stay with your connections. I'm sure rock wood could spring for an extra taco for me.

We could overnight in Minn. I once got an invite for free lodging there. Or perhaps you have some KGB operatives enroute?
come on out

I would love to meet you guys and see your planes. It would be great. I would love to have my work checked out by people that have built before. I am close to Glenwood Springs (KGWS) airport, Rifle (KRIL), and Aspen (KASE). Come on out!