
Well Known Member
We have been thinking about moving to Prescott in the future and wondering if there are any RV Builders in the area. We will be in Prescott Sept 20th and 21st and would be interested in conversation about the area - both good and bad. And, of course, hangar talk about RV flying in the area. I will also be wanting to get in a golf game or two; and my wife and I will look at properties.
RV's everywhere

Arizona in general is RV rich. I know there are RV's at Prescott but don't have specifics. Nearby Cottonwood and Sedona have some as well. I think you'll enjoy Prescott. Fairly moderate temperatures all year round.
Among others ...

... Dave Burden and his gorgeous 9A are based at Prescott. You might try sending him a PM.
Polish Pilot,

PM me with what you would like to know about PRC. My wife and I moved here about 3 yrs ago from San Antonio, TX after an extensive search around the SW for retirement sites. Relatively mild 4 season climate, great outdoor activities, small town feel, and some incredible scenery----but don't tell anyone--we want it to stay small.

If you do not already have a realtor, we had a good one who has become a family friend---very patient and knows PRC well.


Hey, thanks for the replies folks. I think our trip to Prescott will be fun and informative. We have done a ton of Internet searches and trying to educate ourselves, but nothing is as good as a few days in the area to see if it fits.
Darwin can school you on how the locals pronounce Prescott.
Is it Press - scott or Press - cut? :D
...it's preskit. :D
"Like biscuit!" I was told. The airport can be a bit crazy at times (a lot of training activity there) but nothing a dash of patience won't mitigate. The Slugs go there fairly often for the small but very friendly airport restaurant. It's only about a 15 minute flight by RV but it takes us by Sedona and Cottonwood with lots of interesting terrain. When it's snowy in Flagstaff, it's just right in Prescott and when it gets too hot in Prescott you can always come up here.