
Well Known Member
Jeff lives in Jeffersonville, US. Jeff has cool job, nice house, garage full of toys and RV9 empennage. I've been to Jeff's place a year or so ago (see post #7 and #8)


What Jeff desperately needs is serious RV Brainwashing. I am always ready to help :D
As always Vlad you are welcome at any time. The RV brainwashing happened about 2 years ago now.

In fact any RV that needs a quick or long stopover is always welcome.

Vlad did lay claim to the bourbon but we can figure out something else, and I do have a stocked fridge of Flat Tire beer now.
Myself, getting old and lazy, recruited freshly baked private pilot to do servo work. In the interests of national security his identity won't be revealed. I will call him MR.1016 :D

MR.1016 "works airplanes". Not domestic like my cousin but rather wild airspaces I've never heard of before. He is young, energetic and in good physical shape. Perfect candidate for autopilot and great platform to plant an RV Bug . Plus he is walking encyclopedia on geography.
MR1016 was sharp on time. We swapped plane-for-cars hangar space and left.

We couldn't escape unnoticed. Somewhere in Maryland three RVs converged for breakfast.

Glen arrived in style.

Father Don was couple minutes late.

Breakfast was good. We ate fast, posed for a panorama and went our way.

There was another RV on the field and we briefly talked to the owner.

Father Don escorted us around Red Circle.

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My copilot scored good number of personal records. A dozen or so on this trip :D

Landing at highest airport east of Mississippi. Experienced wind shear.

Do you see bungee jumper? Pull up :D

Hospitable Clark County met us with smile, moderate turbulence and nice cross winds.

Up we go with Jeff for couple steeps and stalls.

Then he drives me past super duper sekrit ammunition depot. I've seen bigger :D

Crosswinds at satellite airport blasted us sideways and Jeff couldn't land it on first try. Me neither :D

We went around and did approach again by the book. Easy peasy.

Then was a steak house. Compulsory food picture - here several minutes ago was Rogan Steak.

Then was Jeff's house. Bottle of Brown Water older then Communism. Let the Brainwash begin :D

Vlad, even without very VERY nice beach and water pictures... you set the gold standard with interesting and humorous trip reports. I aspire to reach your "altitude" someday. One question, with brown water who is brainwashing who?

Landing at highest airport east of Mississippi. Experienced wind shear.

This is Hot Springs, Virginia. Last time when I visited the FBO guy told me that he was not sure whether it is him or the pilot who lands during a gusty day who is more scared. There is always windshare on the approach end of the runway (a cliff).

A few thousand feet down the valley on the other side of the ridge is this:
The Homestead

You ought to get Jeff to put you up this weekend and come in for Saturday's Thunder over Louisville fireworks show. AeroDynamix will be part of the airshow.

I might need to carpool with Jeff to Cynthiana next weekend so I can ride in the Vette. Hope the weather is good so we can head over there.

He sent me an email to let me know he flew with you after you posted your mystery photo. Your one sneaky ex-Russian.
Vlad, even without very VERY nice beach and water pictures... you set the gold standard with interesting and humorous trip reports. I aspire to reach your "altitude" someday. One question, with brown water who is brainwashing who?


Carl you know English is my third language. Can you imagine how good I am in mother tongue? :D

I know that New River Gorge bridge intimately!


You are no joke cousin :eek:


I might need to carpool with Jeff to Cynthiana next weekend so I can ride in the Vette. Hope the weather is good so we can head over there.

He sent me an email to let me know he flew with you after you posted your mystery photo. Your one sneaky ex-Russian.

Monitoring weather on your side. Flying hardware is ready :)
Returning from Jeff's trip

Flight back was easy. Mr1016 was working servo again. :D

I got bored, switched off all apple products and pushed chronometer button. For 15 minutes Mr1016 was using Whiskey compass to hold heading. He sweated but stayed exactly on track. He could easily do 15 more minutes :D Now he knows what he needs in his future RV. Autopilot!!! :D

Somewhere here he was in college several years ago.

Mr1016 can talk. He talked us into a nice downtown tour. It was Sunday and a game with associated TFR was about to kick in. We enjoyed aerial, then landed somewhere and were treated royally.

Cirrus to the left.

Antique Golf to the right.

Pretty lady picked us up and drove to Pittsburgh downtown.

There is the one and only top burger joint. Forgot the name :eek:

After two hours we left. Somebody really liked my antler cockpit handle.

Jeff, we will be BAAACK!!!
Coming back

It's about time Jeff. I am coming to check the level in that bottle I marked two years ago. Will see how fast your RV9 grows. Different autopilot this time. :D
We are all prepared for your arrival. Maybe we can use this trip and your photographic and celebrity status to update the Jeff RV status.
fly low, take chances

I see customs stickers.... and tiny N numbers. Gonna shoot you down !!!
Nah... only Putin is bad guy.
As the nick name guys say: watch 6.
Vlad did make it Thursday. For some reason the bourbon bottle has less liquid and some cute girl was spotted in his plane. Not sure how that happened either.

I will let Vlad make the official update, and news to share. It was great to met another local RV builder Fearless also. Thanks guys.

Jeff I got picture of Madison over downtown Louisville. I will expand on the trip here as soon as I sort out all the pictures. Thanks for everything!

If still in the area, stop in LEX and check out a few nice RVs here!
I am off all week. Ill buy lunch!
Al "Nordo" Grajek
I thought when I saw he was heading south he was headed to Turbo's in Florida but when I talked to him at Jeff's he said he was headed to Texas. I didn't catch for how long.
Turkey Day 2015

... Jeff was expecting me for Thanksgiving dinner no excuses.

Typical NJ morning. 26F. The heat transfer is almost complete.

Took off at full gross weight. Very rare I fly heavy like this. A pit stop at Virginia Tech. The terminal is locked.

Landed here

then there. Then dozen places somewhere.

Clark Regional airport by the end of the great flying day.

400 hp for a follow me car. Bad idea? I don't think so.

Hi Jeff I am back as promised. Show me the progress on your RV9A!

First things first. Yummy great job Becca! :)

I checked the bottle we are working on for more then three years. Somebody put a sizable dent in that good old liquor. I heard it was a British helicopter pilot. After the dinner I re-marked the level and will check it again in 2017.

Now it's time for a surprise.

From completed empennage to this?! In two years?!

Great craftsmanship! The Fearless Mike is my witness. I wish I could build that good and that fast :D

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Next morning all extended Jeff's family was by my RV.

Mike is 15 and right now he is undecided who to be. Either flying military jets or civilian helicopters. We went flying to Lee Bottom and I demonstrated him couple Gs. It looks like Mike is leaning toward helicopters :)

Jeff's daughter Madison on the way to the airport wasn't planning to go flying.
Then something happened. She jumped in right seat and we went around the patch. Nice and slow without a single bump. It looks like she liked it. Thanks for trust kids.

Jeff thanks for everything! Follow the plan we discussed. Next time I am coming when you are at this stage and it better be 2017!

Thanks again Vlad for the visit. I am sure I enjoy them more than you do. Russian hotel is here at any time.

As far as the quick progress, I was fortunate enough to work out a deal on Carl Peters RV9 he started back in 2006, and basically got it to the perfect point where you select your own style. With my work schedule, family, etc I knew building from scratch was going to take MUCH longer, and this fit the bill. Carl did a great job and his quality is bar none.

Progress has already been made on several fronts since Vlad left and will continue.
Tom it's doing a great job thank you! I will return it to you fully refurbished by the time you start flying :D
Checking the Status

On Sept 24th I couldn't make it to Jay Pratt's 70th Birthday Party but I made it half way. Lousville, Kentucky Bowman Field. Jeff moved his project to a hangar and made a great progress since.


Jeff is checking on some clearances. The man became even taller since I first met him some years ago. :)


We reversed nose gear leg bolt then I checked my personal bourbon bottle. Some volume has evaporated. I always have a steak and booze here doesn't matter when I show up thanks Jeff.


I had a good night sleep at the hangar and went back home on Sunday morning.

As Vlad knows he is always welcome, and that goes to everyone else here that needs a place to stop by for an hour or day or 2. Hangar has tools, drinks, and always gaining more. I also don't live far away and have a motorhome open and available at anytime.