Well Known Member
Having no one respond to needing help building while I am visiting in Houston, I thought I might drive around KDWH and see if I could find any RVers. Drove up this morning to a hanger with someone that appeared to be trying to get into a hanger with his wife in the vehicle waiting. As I pulled up to him to ask if by chance he had an RV, he turned to look at me wearing his VAF cap. I had mine on and told him he MUST have one. I jumped out to meet John and Michelle Bixby as they were preparing to jump in their RV8 and head to Florida. I didn't want to hold them up so I let them go, but got their picture as Michelle was rushing John to get this thing in the air. Nice to meet you both and hope you have a great trip. Nice people and hope to see them again. Here they are loaded up for another RV trip.
Come see me at Lone Star in Conroe

Robert, come visit me at Hangar 41 in Conroe at Lone Star Exec. I am building an RV6. There are numerous RV people and planes everyday at this field, all really nice guys. Very interesting projects going on in Hangar 41. One of a kind Mooney in restoration, RV10. Heck, we just finished up changing the tail on a Wheeler Express, from a Cruiform to Straight tail. Wow, was that a project. This is also home for GearedDrives using an LS1 Corvette.

We're there most everyday by about 10, generally cook lunch on the grill. Always wanted another set of eyes on my RV.
Houston Builder


If your still in Houston tomorrow, call me on my cell phone. I work during the day but would glad to show you my project. I am building an RV-10 at my house.

Dave Syvertson

PS I may be out of cell phone range for part of tomorrow.
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Hey Robert, great to meet'cha today! Sorry we had to rush off, but Michelle was just so excited to get away for a coupla days; quickly, to the beach! And tomorrow we're off to the Naval Aviation Museum...

So Houston to Pensacola isn't exactly a long haul trip, but at 2.5 hrs, this was the longest ride she's done yet. I was afraid she'd be bored or uncomfortable back there... but she liked it just fine. A pillow and a book and she's good to go.

A word (or two?) about Pensacola; we skipped the big airport across town and landed instead at Ferguson, 82J. Nice little airport with a decent grass strip and super nice people running the show. Overnight hangar available for $20 per night and the rental car guy was there with a car before I had the ship secured. Nice. We'll be back.
Leaving Wed.


Good to meet you and Michelle. I got a brief visit with another RV8 guy there. Don't recall his name. LC are his initials. He and his wife were doing a C.I. on his. Thanks to Chuck and Dave for the offer. We are shoving off about 9AM on Wed and heading back to where it is cool. Only going to be 90^ there tomorrow. :eek: I certainly would have come to hang out with all of you guys. Maybe we will be back over this way and I will try to give more notice. Went to the Astros game tonight. 4-2 over Cubs with a grand slam!!:D

Thanks again guys.
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you met a heck of a guy when you met John!! he's the man that introduced me to RV's!!!! i met him the same way you did.. :D driving around DWH and i saw John taxiing his -8 back to his hanger at night... and it was a cool lookin plane, so i followed and smothered him in a shower of questions.. and then jumped in his RV grabbed the stick, and started drooling ;)

then he let me and the fiance jump in together, we (i) loved it. :D

thanks so much John!!!!
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Ian! When are ya coming back to Houston? If you haven't claimed your $50K free ride yet, stop by the hangar, I'll fix you up. Your fiance gets a ride too, but she'll have to go separately; might get a bit cozy with the two of you in the back. We gotta sell her on the tandem seat thing... she'll like it!

So we're back from Pensacola after a quick 2 day trip; got in some time at the beach and spent over 6 hours yesterday at the Naval Aviation Museum and didn't even come close to seeing everything. But that's okay, it's a great excuse to go back and see the rest of it. Round trip was 5.7 hrs and made it home today before the thunderstorms fired up along the Gulf Coast.

And since this was Michelle's first "long" trip in the back seat, I was curious as to how it would compare to her previous short hops and burger runs; the pic shows she likes it just fine. She's reading a book, about to nod off to sleep...

John, i'm leaving for a military deployment next week, but me and Jenna are planning on coming to Houston for christmas, (provided i'm home by then), and i'd love to try to sell her on the tandem.... but for now she says she'd be to claustrophobic in the back of the -8 with the canopy closed.... and she says she'd like to learn how to fly while sitting next to me.. :D

i could also be happy in a -7

but i fell in love with the -8, just a great lookin plane!!
50k free ride

i got to go play in Dave Dollarhide's -4, which was incredible!!!

but i would LOVE to go play in your -8, and i'd love to throw jenna in the back for a little taste. :cool:


Sorry I couldn't recall your name. It was great to meet you and your wife also. Beautiful RV8. Hope you got your C.I. finished and back in the air. I sure hope I have to make a trip back over there. Everyone I met seems so friendly and would love to meet some of the people that have contacted me since my visit with offers to stop by. Looks like John and Michelle have made the front page of VAF twice in one week!!

This is an invitation for all you TX people to head over to SC and visit our RV group.

I am writing this as I sit on my balcony at Atlantis in the Bahamas. Flying is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

open feeling


I thought the same thing about the 8 as well. However when I flew in one my experience was the canopy is such an open feeling there was no closed in feeling at all. I bet if you can get the wife in one for a ride she will be hooked. I am building a 7A but my next would be the 8. I think you almost need 2..... :D

I thought the same thing about the 8 as well. However when I flew in one my experience was the canopy is such an open feeling there was no closed in feeling at all. I bet if you can get the wife in one for a ride she will be hooked. I am building a 7A but my next would be the 8. I think you almost need 2..... :D

i agree with you, i've been in the back of a 4, and there was still enough room for comfort... (maybe not for a long time) but it was fine.... i think she wants the -7 so she can sit next to me.... which is cool too, but i would prefer the -8
Hey Robert,

It sounds like you were spending most of your time on the north side of town. I live in Kingwood and you're welcome to stop by.

I'm building a -10 and wrapping up the empennage kit at this point. The QB wings and fuselage should be ordered during the first week of June.

Send me a message when you're coming back. I'll give you my cell number.


well we just had a long talk about it, and she said she didn't really want to learn how to fly anyway, she just said it to make me happy. so i said i'd build the -8, and she said why don't you wait till we have kids, "and they are old enough to help you"... hmmmm.

so i'm gonna do the -8 with no disagreement from Jenna. :D
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Build the -8. That's what you want to see when you open the hangar door anyway. Your wife will be happy it knowing that within a couple of hours you can be 400 miles from where you are now enjoying a mini vacation. If she can't endure a couple of hours seperation, (looking at the back of your head) you're too close to being newlyweds!!!!!!!!!!

All this is especially true if you do most of your flying alone or without your wife.