
Well Known Member
Guys: I thought those of you who have/want PMags might be interested in this. My wife and I left Reno on 10 Jul for our annual trip back east to visit family and friends with the first stop in Ft Worth area. I landed a 52F and found a hangar to keep my -9A safe from the afternoon TS that are common in the area. The hangar was none other than the VAF "Man Cave" of Doug Reeves. Really nice hangar, but more about that later.
I had previously coordinated with Brad at EmagAir to get my Pmags updated and the once over with a 2 day turnaround. I removed the Pmags Wednesday morning and drove to Azel to deliver the mags. Brad immediately logged them into his system and said they would be ready Friday morning. Since I was there and had nothing to do I asked Brad for the $2 tour of the facilities. Brad said "sure be happy to". Two hours later I think I had touched everything in the shop, ask a thousand questions. and learned a few things. A couple of guys were in the process of assembling a batch of Pmags and I watched and asked "why and what for" questions until they got tired of me. I did learn that the drive shaft is only in the front drive section where the cooling fins are located. That short section contains the two bearings, two oil seals and a rotor thingy in between the bearings that is part of the dynamo. I then moved on to the 6 cylinder bench, where Brad was, to check it out. The new 6 cyl Pmag is not just a 4 cyl Pmag with two more ignition wires added, it a new design entirely, but it is the same color. The biggest change I think, is the front drjve section, it is completely isolated from the electronic section. Absolutely no chance of engine oil migration pass the drive section. Brad gave me a quick rundown on the FAA certification process, the most I can recall is that it takes a lot of money, a lot of time, and the FAA is "**** on wheels" when it comes to software certifications. Brad said the 6 cyl will be certified as a complete two mag system, in other words, not restricted to one electronic and one traditional mag. I had assumed that the other manufacturers certified systems included two devices, I learned something new. I certainly left, or as it were, was invited to leave with more than I came with. I picked up the mags Friday morning and reinstalled them without a hitch. I did notice that the engine started a little quicker and smoother and idled better. The last item there may just be my imagination. All in all, I think it was $270 well spent. Thanks Brad for the quick service and tour, I may be back next year. Dan from Reno

I was at first confused because Reno, TX is about 5 miles from Azle, TX. I was trying to figure out why you went all the way to 52F. Then I figured out it was the big town Reno out west that you were talking about. Brad and Tom are awesome. I've know them since they started began in a shed behind Tom's house. I stop by every once in a while and visit. I always enjoy my visits and look for reasons to stop in. Just plain good people.