Well Known Member
As a follow up to a post started by Jack Hilditch last month in the RV9 Section, we are putting out feelers as to who would be interested in visiting and hosting a RV project each month in the Southern Massachusetts area.
Because of contacts made through Jack's post, I had the pleasure of Capt. John, and 2 other RV builders visiting my project a few weeks ago. We all seemed to benefit from the visit, so it was decided to make this a monthly event when it was discovered that there are many more builders in a radius of around 50 miles then we realized.

The guidelines are as follows;
Meet once a month at a project site.
Be prepared to give a tour of your project and explain the reasons that you deviated from the plans in some areas if you did.
Be willing to answer construction questions.
Be prepared to meet new builders, and perhaps re-kindle the fire in some builders.
Keep the spacing of meeting places to about 1 -1.5 hour drive max.

Since I'm perhaps close to 90% complete, and I have heat in my hangar, I will have the pleasure of hosting the first meeting at New Bedford Airport.
Plenty of room if you want to fly in, and lots of room to park if driving.
We have to know who's planning on attending because of security at the T hangars, and how much coffee and doughnuts we need.

Place: New Bedford Airport, at Jack's T Hangar
Time : Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 10:00am till whatever
RSVP [email protected]
Rain or Shine or Snow

I'll forward complete arrival details upon receipt of registration.

I hope this will be of interest to all the builders in this area
Jack, Nice work!

Perhaps next month we will be at my hangar and we can all see Bill H's beautiful RV-6?

This is open to everyone from dreamers to flying planes.

I remember when I was a dreamer and getting an eyeball on one of these elusive RV's was a difficult thing to do. I don't want it to be that way for others. I want everyone to feel welcome. Lurkers, please feel free to attend.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to look up my email addy in my profile and shoot me a message.

RSVP to Jack!

See you soon!

;) CJ
Count me in. I would be up for attending any and all of these, probably up to a 100 mile radius from the Boston Area. I would invite everyone up to my place in Portsmouth, NH, but all I have is a completed EMP. Perhaps when the QB arrives in Feb and I get moving on it, I could send out an invite a few months in.

Great idea on this post - can't wait to see more RV projects!
New NE builder

I would be up for getting to know more of the guys in the area as well and seeing their projects. I know John (Captain John) and Dave (Thermos) pretty well, and I recently met Kevin Johnson at John's Christmas hangar party.

Chris, I am just up the road from you near Portland, ME. Did you do full QB or partial? I did slowbuild wings and a QB fuse. The wings are almost finished. I **just** need to do the bottom skins. My finish kit should be here in March.

See you at one of the fly-ins.

Antony, pick up Chris in Portsmouth on your way south in the Diamond and come to the pow-wow in New Bedford!

;) CJ
I'll be there, and I'll be glad to host a visit to my shop in the near future...

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Rhode Island RV-7A "Barn Tour" Feb 16

I am already hosting my local EAA Chapter for a Barn Tour of my project on February 16th, 0900-1300, so I might as well open it up to other RV builders. :D

The project is an RV-7A, 1500 hours TT into project, around half of them by a previous owner.
Tail: complete and installed on fuse. electric pitch trim.
Wings: complete except for plumbing, wiring & lower skins. Hotel Whiskey ER fuel tanks installed
Fuse: Control system installed, manual aileron trim, tops skins and sub-panel to go, brakes installed, fuel system nearing completion, andair fuel valve.
Canopy: cracked by previous builder, replacement on hand but not yet started
Panel: MVP-50, not much else yet.
Engine: IO360 A1B6 200 hp preparing for overhaul

Please email (see public profile) or PM me if you're interested and I'll send lat/lon for those skydiving in, or directions for those driving. Project is in my garage, 2 miles north of Kingston RI. Midway between KOQU and 08R.

Highest Regards,
Great info! I'm up in BVY and still trying to decide between the -9 project with my Dad or going it 'alone' on a -3 project. I have the plans for both, and WOW, what a difference.

My new job is great, I actually have that weekend off, and I know it over a month in advance! Hard to believe in the flying business. :D I'll head to EWB in the spam can on the morning of Feb 24th. Sound like fun.

Want me to airlift in the coffee or donuts?

My first post...

I've been lurking...registered lurking, but lurking none the less for a couple months now. I have the 9 pre-plans and some of the videos and trying to figure it out. I'm not without skills but have never built or worked on airplanes before. I expect to do a tail class to see if I'm for real on this. I'm a pretty long term student pilot and working to finish. I have an automotive resto I have to finish (April) and turn before I can move forward on the QB kit. I'd like to join you on 2/28.

My AHNC handle speaks to my knowledge of airplane building. Given the strong Texas sponsorship of the site I felt that "All Hat, No Cattle" might tell the tale pretty well. One day, I'll hope to change it, but that likely won't happen for a while.

Thank you for the invitation!

I would be up for getting to know more of the guys in the area as well and seeing their projects. I know John (Captain John) and Dave (Thermos) pretty well, and I recently met Kevin Johnson at John's Christmas hangar party.

Chris, I am just up the road from you near Portland, ME. Did you do full QB or partial? I did slowbuild wings and a QB fuse. The wings are almost finished. I **just** need to do the bottom skins. My finish kit should be here in March.

See you at one of the fly-ins.


Antony -
I did the full QB for the RV-7. I also have the finish kit arriving at the same time. I'll definately have to come check out your project sometime.

As for the 2/16, I will be in a wedding that day (NOT MINE) and will probably not be able to bail out for part of the morning - though i will try... I will definately be at the 2/24 unless that is the day Partain comes with the QB.

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New England RV's

Hi Jack,

I was "one of the RV builders" down with CJ last weekend visiting your project,

I'm in Stoughton, MA and would also be happy to host a visit.

Looking forward to the 24th

Richard M.
RV-7 QB Wings & Fuse
Stoughton, Massachusetts
Want me to airlift in the coffee or donuts? -Alex[/QUOTE said:
Thanks for the offer...Not necesary to bring anything but yourself.
We have Dunkin Doughnuts finest just around the corner!!!
Look forward to meeting you
RV Gathering at New Bedford Update

Just a couple of weeks away for our Feb.Gathering
For those interested in attending, please contact me at

[email protected]

and I'll email you all the details, and also how to find the T hangars at New Bedford Airport.
Looks like Captain John will be hosting the March Gathering at his T hangar in Plymouth.
I feel that these meetings could be of some importance to builders, probably those about half way along, as this is about the stage in construction that you have to start looking ahead to accomplish some of the changes that you want in your RV. Might just be, that you'll see some mods that will be of interst to you.
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New Bedford Gathering

Hi All,

I'm new to this group, but some of you probably know me from my electrical presentations in the area. I'll try and get over to New Bedford on Feb 16'th just to see what others are building.

Fred Stucklen
Hi All,

I'm new to this group, but some of you probably know me from my electrical presentations in the area. I'll try and get over to New Bedford on Feb 16'th just to see what others are building.

Fred Stucklen
You're most welcome to come to New Bedford, but if you come on the 16th, you'll be a week early.
Note the New Bedford date is Feb 24th.
Best regards
Hey All,

Looks like we got some good weather on tap for tomorrow!

I will be flying in as will be many others.

I just got off the phone with Albert at Air Repair on the north ramp. He says that we can park there if Jack's ramp fills up and the overflow can spill into the empty ramp on the north side where Delta used to be.

Sooooo, lotsa parking, just ask ground for progressives to Jack's hangar, Air Repair or the old Delta ramp.

Jack is the end unit in the blue hangar. Call for specifics or ask ground if more detail needed.

See you tomorrow!

:) CJ
RV builders and pilots in SE Mass

Hi all,
My husband and I are now planning on purchasing an RV7 and we're anxious to meet other builders and fliers in the southern New England area, particularly those of you working on or flying the 7.
Barbara and Bill Hunt
Lakeville, MA
Hi Barbara and Bill:

Welcome to the RV community.

I live in Bridgewater and have an RV-8 that is reaching the stage where I can say that it is "almost complete" :)

There is also another RV-7 builder in town who just finished his wings and empenage. Feel free to stop by most any evening. Send me a pm and I'll reply with directions.


Mike Draper
TMXO360, CS, Pmags
Finishing, finishing, finishing....
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