
Well Known Member
RV Community,

I have launched a new website for Vision Microsystems Support, I would appreciate any feedback on the site so please send me a PM with your thoughts.

Here is the website:

As a reminder, I am not a FAA certified avionics tech, and I am not a vendor per se, I am an experimental aviation enthusiast that has learned a lot over the years helping folks out with Vision Microsystems issues and support.

I started out much like many of you, simply building and learning about all the systems in our aircraft ... when VMS was bought out and it appeared support had dried up in the mid-2000s, I began to learn all I could about the EPI-800 and later the VM1000 in hopes of keeping my vintage EPI-800 viable. As time passed, I had opportunity to help others with installations and basic support through EAA contacts. Word of mouth spread and several suggested that there are lots of folks out there that could benefit from the VMS knowledge I had gained and suggested I advertise to a wider audience. So my aviation hobby expanded to include VMS support services. This started in earnest about 5 years ago posting a few ads on eBay for parts and services and has grown from there. Since then I have gathered quite a bit of tech data and experience diagnosing, repairing, buying/selling, and supporting these legacy systems and had the pleasure of helping scores of owners and maintainers with VMS issues.

Please let me know if I can assist!

All the best,
Reggie is very knowledgeable on the VMS products and has helped me out more than once with both information and parts. If you need help with your VMS equipment I would not hesitate to recommend Reggie. He is an honest, straight shooter, and very easy to do business with.
Reggie Smith

I sent my VM 1000 to Reggie last week for overhaul. Many of the sweep indications/segments had disappeared and the back lighting was fading. It was returned yesterday and installed today. What a wonderful difference!!! Reggie brought life back into my dying EMS.
Throughout the overhaul Reggie kept me completely informed of the process. I cannot say enough about Reggie's professionalism, technical skills, and timely repair. He's high on my list of "Go To Guys."
Blue skies,
Chuck Brietigam