Thanks for the info!

A friend and fellow RV builder took it upon himself to render my paint scheme using

Here are the results:

Thanks Tim!

Now to come up with the cash to paint it.

Donations accepted BTW.

Thanks for the lead, I am going to paint my wings an tail so I can put them away whilst I build the fuselage. this will help me plan better.
Painting Tool

A friend and fellow RV builder took it upon himself to render my paint scheme using

Here are the results:

Thanks Tim!

Now to come up with the cash to paint it.

Donations accepted BTW.
I tried the 'trial package' and couldn't get anything to 'paint' except the solid colors and 'custom' colors on the CAP. How did your friend get the thing to work? Nice results, saw the 9 paint schemes on the site, but don't want to pay $15 and not be able to get the thing to work. Suggestions? My PC is well in excess of the min requirements.
Mike H 9A/8A- getting ready to mount my 0-290D on my 9A-I'll keep you posted.
Sorry guys, I have not been to the site. Like I said, my friend did the rendering. I've sent him this link so I expect he will reply.
I've been using that software recently and have been real happy. It's not real clear how it works, at least for me it wasn't. Once you figure out how the file system works things fall together. I just looked at the website and it looks like it's been updated, maybe the directions are more clear now. Probably more clear than my rambling post. Here's a shot from that software. I hope to have my plane painted and flying by May.

How to use

Hi all,

I?m not sure if there?s any restriction in the demo, but here?s how it worked for me:

In the "paintbooth" of the program you really just can change the colors of the chosen design. To change the design itselft you have to open the different views (.bmp - they're in the installation folder) and change them with some kind of paint program. I had to try a bit to get it right but it's not difficult to use. Since there's only one (side-) view for the fuselage your N-Number (or D-... registration in my case) will be mirrored on one side. Also it's difficult to do any shapes on the top of the fuselage because your side view is kind of projected to it, that brings some unusual curves on chambered parts.

Great tool for the money, I printed some screenshots and they're hanging all over the house now ;)

Workshop almost finished but Vans just informed me about a two week delay of kit shipment :eek:

Kind regards
