
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
I never got to take my dad flying in my RV, as he passed away during the construction of the wing. But, I got to take my mother flying one time, and it was one of the proudest moments of my life. She passed in 2016 and I miss them both very much.

I love you Mom and Dad.

There are no words to describe what you are trying to describe. Many will get it anyway. I would give my life savings to take my grandfather up just one time. My life savings and maybe a couple limbs.
Rejoice in knowing you are lucky to have had that.
Vice versa'd for me: Mom was in a wheelchair by the time I bought my RV, but I got to fly my Dad in the RV, another Naval Aviator, once. Upside down in an airplane for the first time in a long time for him. Very special day indeed, and I also miss them both very much.
Thanks for sharing this, Doug.

My Dad passed away before I started flying, but my Mom flew with me in both my -6A and the 182. I also remember the only time my older brother flew with me in the -6A. He introduced me to flying in his Cessna 170 over northern Idaho when I was a teenager. Flaring to land on the grass strip where we based the RV, he noted he liked to keep the nose down so he could see the runway. I know, I was feeling for the runway but only occasionally did I find sod in the tail tie down ring.:) We lost him in 2019, as he passed away while working on the 170 at the airstrip on his ranch.
Parents as passengers.....

My Dad was very influential in my starting to fly. He instructed in WW II. Sadly, he was taken from us when I was 17. Took my Mom up once when she needed to get from Billings to Casper to catch a airliner back to Denver. That was in my instructor's Citabria. Never got her up in the J-3 or SuzieQ before she Walked On.... I wish I had known my Dad as an adult... Miss them both....


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