
Well Known Member
Since I took the flaps off to clean up, decided to try wrapping. Had sort of kept up with polishing the top but the bottom of the flaps were terrible, and the UHMW tape on the top was in really rough shape on one side.

I used some materials I bought several years ago and planned this only as a test. I thought the bottom leading edge would be tough and I was right. I tried to cut about 3 mm long and tuck under the hinge - sort of worked.

Overall was pleased enough to do a test install. I used velcro loop under the wing in lieu of chafe tape on the flap and that seems like a great idea.

Lesson learned: imperfections that look terrible for polishing are easily hid by the wrap (this was 3M 1080). So I have *lots* of time I spent polishing the flaps that I probably wasted. I could have just cleaned and wrapped them.


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Looks great

Which vinyl product and color did you use? Are you going to cover the ailerons and wings ?
Which vinyl product and color did you use? Are you going to cover the ailerons and wings ?

Scott, this is 3M 1080 gloss white aluminum. I have a small batch of Avery Supreme coming in as well. My intent is to compare the two and take measured steps prior to committing to larger purchases. I'm wary of making a big commitment and then having problems at the edges, inlays, etc. It's really not that hard to r&r the flaps so I view this as pretty low risk.

About 4 years ago I slapped on some 12 x 12 samples on the wing leading edges. They-- and the aluminum underneath -- were pristine when I peeled them off. Good resistance to bugs, dirt, etc.

Ultimately current plan is to do the whole plane except cowl and pants. May work on the empennage next.

I wrapped part of my RV-7 with 1080 cosmic blue. I did not use edge sealer and wish I had in some places. I’m finding the 1080 cosmic blue a little hard to find. I guess the newer product is the 2080. My neighbor wrapped his entire RV-7A with the 2080 and had great results.
question to you all that have wrapped your planes. How does the wrap hold up around the rivets? do they bubble up over time?
My latest RV6A is wrapped in vinyl. The rivet lines have never bubbled or separated, actually conforms completely to the shape on flush rivets.

I have no experience with vinyl with domed or pulled rivets, so can't comment on those.

Just plan to have any overlapping vinyl seams facing backwards in the airflow.