
Well Known Member
Crazy question, is it possible to view all photos on the forum? I want to see all panels, wiring, etc. and it would be way quicker to scroll through the photos then the actual threads/postings... I am sure it would not be a difficult thing to create but just wondering if it exists...
I doubt it, considering that there are no photos on the forum.

The photos are all hosted by other sites, and linked in each post.

Probably a question only Doug can answer for sure.
snip....... I am sure it would not be a difficult thing to create ....snip

Sounds like a wonderful feature! When can you have it ready for testing? :)

Seriously, as Mike said I don't host images, only URLs to images. Go to Google and click on images.

Sounds good, thanks guys.

Doug, it probably would not be that hard to extract all the Image references in all the posts if the query was written directly against the DB and make an index of images... this board uses phpBB which uses an SQL DB right? Anyway, just a thought...
eeeehh what?

"...against the DB and make an index of images... this board uses phpBB which uses an SQL DB right?..."

:confused: now I know how my wife feels when we do the "pilotspeak" :p
Doug, it probably would not be that hard to extract all the Image references in all the posts if the query was written directly against the DB and make an index of images... this board uses phpBB which uses an SQL DB right?

Plane English spoken here!;)

Sure. Allow me to translate:

I can see all the pretty pictures by using that thingamabob to fetch the doohicky number thingy onto my flat screen with the pretty pink Hello Kitty sticker.

(Translated into Liberal Arts speak version 1.5.0) :eek:


Speak English, please.
VAF images

Seriously, as Mike said I don't host images, only URLs to images. Go to Google and click on images.
While I of course know what you mean, you will be surprised by the number of images you do host:

[ed. Agreed. Most of those are in a directory called 'delete_eventually' and are relevent to the normal day to day editions. They get deleted in batches every few months.... dr ;^)]
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