Nice video…….i miss the area from time to time.

Looking forward to visit you “down south”…

You are a fortunate man, Hermann. What awesome scenery to fly around.
Have you toured inside any of those castles?
Was that Whiskey or Brandy?
Knowing him, neither, nor ;)

Come on Hermann, I’m sure you can fly lower than that :D

Love the different cams, drone et al, well done, again!
I almost never click on these videos -- a little jaded I guess since I can go do it any time in my own RV... well do click on this one! What a beautiful video, amazing work with the drones and 360 Gopros or whatever was used (I had no idea you could get those kinds of effects), in a part of the world that most of us won't ever get to fly above. Great to watch on a rainy day when I can't go out myself...
Thanks for the positiv critics. I do like the perspective of a cam mounted on a stick protuding from a wingtip forward but have to fabricate the hardware first - next time!

Was that Whiskey or Brandy?

No Whiskey, no Brandy - I´m dry since I was thirteen !!
Hermann - Der Meister - 10/10

I really enjoyed this video, Hermann! I think you have solidified your position as "Der Meister" of RV-8 videos.

Some of those shots - like the loop from the camera mounted to the canopy frame behind - I've never seen anyone do.

This is the video I will send to people if they want to understand what it's like to fly the RV-8.
Very Well Done

Excellent work and a very pleasant experience. Thanks for that.
Best ever vide

Thanks for posting. That's the way I'd like to see Germany next time.;)
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower Alabama
slow opening canopy??

Wie Gehts again Herman, Couldn't help noticing, how when you stopped by your hangar, after flying, how your canopy slid back so smoothly, and you weren't hanging on to it with your hand. How'd you do that?? Have you got some kind of "dampner" to slow the sliding??
This is by chance. The canopy is not binding but somehow slow moving when I release it. Usually I hold it half way back and then let it go. At the rear end in the rails I have two hoses as dampeners to avoid a hard stop with the associated stress.