
Well Known Member
I have a MAC and will start the build process next week. I am looking to set up a remote camera by USB, to the MAC and video the process. I was told to set it up for take a photo every 5 minutes, then when you play the two hours, it goes by in 2 minutes. Has anyone used a MAC and what software do you use? Thanks.
That frame rate doesn't sound right...

If you take a shot every five minutes, that would be 24 frames over 2 hours, or 2 hours elapsed time in roughly one second of playback -- less than a second if your frame rate on playback is more than 24 FPS. I think a frame every couple of seconds would be more like it.

Can't help you on the software question, though, sorry.
The trick here is how long each shot is displayed-----frame rate if you wish.

For standard video it is in the 16 to 24 FPS area I believe.

For the stop action animation "video" that I suspect the OP is thinking about, each frame would be displayed for 5 seconds.

Basically you are doing a 12/1 time compression.
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Thanks for the responses. I must have goofed my question, it wasn't about the frame rate, yes every 5 seconds is correct, it was whether or not anyone has used a MAC and what software they were using. I bought the Microsoft camera recommended by a post, but it only works with Windows, so it went back. Macs are supposed to be good for creative stuff, but I can't find anyone that has used it with their project. Thanks.

I have used an application called Gawker. It's an open source time lapse application. It records straight to video, doesn't maintain the photos themselves. Negative to that is you cant play with different frame rates and stuff after it's recorded.


I haven't tried real hard but I havent found settings that I'm 100% satisfied with. If you find settings let me know.

I've looked to no avail for a simple time lapse photo app because I believe you can make the videos pretty easy in iMovie.
I have used an application called Gawker. It's an open source time lapse application. It records straight to video, doesn't maintain the photos themselves. Negative to that is you cant play with different frame rates and stuff after it's recorded.


I haven't tried real hard but I havent found settings that I'm 100% satisfied with. If you find settings let me know.

I've looked to no avail for a simple time lapse photo app because I believe you can make the videos pretty easy in iMovie.

I create time lapse stuff from time to time using an app called Time Lapse Assembler. Not quite sure if it's what you're looking for though.

Basically I set up my camera with an intervalometer, take a bunch of photos, get them on my Macbook Pro, and use that app to turn them into a video file. I can then import that into something like Final Cut Pro and have more fun with it if I'm so inclined.