Thanks for the Video from Argentina

Good photography and infectuous background music - I'm more of a mello old fellow in my musical taste but it was stimulating. I was surprised by the amount of down elevator required in level flight on the yellow RV-4 - must have been a load in the back. Chris Murphy told me once about his (also yellow) RV-4 that one of the most effective mods he implemented for increasing speed was to increase the incidence of the horizontal stabilizer - maybe Van wanted a good safety margine?

The paint job on the RV-8 was STRIKING!!! Great job!

Bob Axsom
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Buena Robby! Felicitaciones! Ven a charlotte y volamos con la gente de Team RV dentro de mi area acrobatica!
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Good photography and infectuous background music - I'm more of a mello old fellow in my musical taste but it was stimulating. I was surprised by the amount of down elevator required in level flight on the yellow RV-4 - must have been a load in the back. Chris Murphy told me once about his (also yellow) RV-4 that one of the most effective mods he implemented for increasing speed was to increase the incidence of the horizontal stabilizer - maybe Van wanted a good safety margine?

The paint job on the RV-8 was STRIKING!!! Great job!

Bob Axsom

Thank's, the good thing to do your owns videos is that your always chose the music that you use ;) When I do a video, a lot of people, likes the music and others no, never I could satisface everyone.
I don't know why the RV-4 flight with all that correction, but there were a heavy passenger and the smoke system full, also behaind the pilots, but I didn't ask Eduardo if always flight like this.

Buena Robby! Felicitaciones! Ven a charlotte y volamos con la gente de Team RV dentro de mi area acrobatica!

Gracias Micho, lo tendremos en cuenta! pero nos queda un poquito lejos! (4500 nm) hahaha. Los del RV Team de USA fueron los que nos dieron las ganas de intentar formarnos, pero somos unos aficionados. Felicitaciones por la competencia!!!