
Well Known Member
Our build has started and we are documenting with video and website. The video can be viewed on YouTube https://youtu.be/xKfWagecmik and the website is https://www.rv14build.com. Both are in their infancy but are live. If you have a chance to view the video please be so kind as to leave comments about what you like and what you don't like. I was truly shocked at how much time goes into an 11 minute video! There are things I will change on the next video but I am interested to know what your thoughts are. Do you like the format, the music, the voice over or direct speaking to the camera, do you want more up close video or birdseye view, do you want shorter or longer (I am targeting 10 mins at this point), ???? I am not certain the website (blog) is worth the time investment...I will keep growing it for awhile but would value your feedback there as well.

Looking forward to your input! (be kind to the nube!) :)
Well Done!

Well done! I look forward to keeping up with your progress! I see you ordered your kit last April, I ordered mine (12is) last May so hopefully I see mine soon.

Nice shop and seems to be set up beautifully! Good luck to you and your wife.
I use a site called webuildplanes.com and then just post screenshots from my daily videos. It’s pretty slick and tallies all your build time for you and makes log entires take 30 seconds.

You do have to find a way to make it sustainable. It seems everyone gets about 5 videos in then gives up.

I wrote a script that encodes all the video and speeds it up so I only spend a few minutes recording some commentary before I upload it.

5 minutes is about my limit for being able to talk about what I was working on before I get bored with my own video. But I’ll watch a 30 minute Jason Ellis video so…

Good job creating more RV content! We need as much as we can get!