
Well Known Member
I can't get the homecoming video on Andy Karmy's site to play - Quicktime says there is something needed that is not available online?
I have the newest version of Quicktime.
Any suggestions?

I was able to watch it last night...

The only error I saw was that there was no video of the -12. What's with that? :p

I guess everybody who went to the homecoming was flying a 3/4/6/7/8/9/10... and had no interest in the -12?

Any update folks?
Worked for me on 4 separate computers (different OS and browsers)

Could be the server is getting hammered.

Phyrcooler said:
The only error I saw was that there was no video of the -12. What's with that? :p

I guess everybody who went to the homecoming was flying a 3/4/6/7/8/9/10... and had no interest in the -12?
There was quite a bit of interest in the 12. Unfortunately, it was way back in the main hangar. Poor lighting for video or picture taking. Not to mention it's not the most photogenic of the RV's (in my opinion). ;)
No video here either

The file appears to load, but no video - only audio. Fails the same way for Firefox and IE. Both are running Quicktime 6.5.2 on a Windows XP, service pack 2 machine. Invoking QT update claims the version is up to date.
Tried newer version of Quicktime

Followup to my previous post - I uninstalled the 6.5.2 version of Quicktime and loaded the latest (7.1) and that fixed the problem I and others have been reporting. I'm now not sure what the QT update does - I would intuitively have expected it to do an upgrade to the latest version and not tell me my version was "Up to date" when a newer version does indeed exist - clearly it doesn't automatically perform updates on major number changes (i.e. 6 to 7).
Played fine for me with QT 7.0.3 on Firefox. Nice job Andy and Drew. The link is on the main VAF page.

BTW, there is a shot of the RV-12 in there. You just can't see it behind the crowd of guys looking at.

I'm not sure what the state of the RV-12 was at Oshkosh, but at Homecoming it had a Rotax engine hung and there was a tubular welded canopy frame on it with no plexi yet. Fuse and wings looked complete. Panel was empty. Not much wiring yet either. Looks like it's 80% done with only 80% remaining.
Davepar said:
BTW, there is a shot of the RV-12 in there. You just can't see it behind the crowd of guys looking at.

I was pondering taking the video camera over for all you RV12 dreamers... but then chickened out thinking someone may not want me videoing a new product, sitting in the prototype shop, etc etc... I know it's been anounced and was at OSH for days... like I say, Just didn't want someone saying "Sir, turn off that camera" :)

Sorry about all the problems with QT... It does not supprise me that you would need the latest version as it was created on a Mac using all the latest tools etc...