mike newall

Well Known Member

I have used my Hero a few times - started editing some stuff through iMovie.

Last week, I looked at a video file and got a large gray triangle and an exclamation point.


All my video files in iPhoto have been converted to RAW format instead of MOV or H.264.


How do I get them back ?

I have Time Capsule and the only thing I can think of is to back up onto a separate disc - trash iPhoto and re install from a while ago.

Any suggestions ?

Don't PANIC!

Just like building an RV - Don't panic. Maybe the files were converted, but maybe your application just changed. I'm not a Mac guy, but on Windows, you can change the type of resource that opens a file by accident. My wife changed all her pictures into Word! Ouch. Was an easy fix, and did not require backups.

Remember: It takes three mistakes to have a catastrophic failure. The key to success is not to make that third mistake. :rolleyes:

Talk to a Mac guy at an Apple store before you proceed.

RAW files? RAW files are typically the uncompressed digital negatives you'd get from a Canon DSLR still camera. Sounds to me like IMovie cannot find the actual movie files. If they were converted to some other format, or lost, going back into time machine should provide a recovery method.
iPhoto and iMovie couldn't link the files.

In the end, I got some help from the Apple forum, however it wasn't quick.

I found the Master files, exported them into a desktop file and re imported them into iPhoto.

There were 665..........

Then deleted the RAW files and all is well again.

I don't know enough about specific recovery from Time Machine/Capsule and this way worked - I am sure there would be a quicker method.

The worry is that I still don't understand how all the files got converted into RAW from their original format in the first place - it must have been something I had done when working with iMovie but I can't figure what it was.