Choose your favorite video!

  • 2010 - A Great Year

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • Seven Romeo Victor - A Year in Review

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well Known Member
Santa brought me an HDPro Hero video camera for Christmas this year. With a Hero, an iPhone camera, and a nice DSLR camera, my son and I have managed to collect a great montage of pictures and clips of our flying activities this past year.

Last week we were sitting around, doing the usual father/son activities, and playing around with the videos and a new movie editing program, when we came up with an idea. Let's both (independently) make a video and see how they turn out. We both have access to the same photos and video clips, so it really comes down to creative use of the same materials.

After a little more haggling about the rules, we decided that we would post the videos on -VAF- and let you guys decide who wins.

So here they are. Both videos are about four minutes long. Please take a look and then let us know what you think!

(video links removed by Dakotahawk)
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Both videos are now on YouTube

Both videos are now on YouTube for easier viewing. Apparently Facebook doesn't let you view videos unless you have a Facebook account.:rolleyes:

Keep up the votes. Both are great videos. Lookin for input to also help make future videos even better!
Both were great

but loved seeing all your passengers in the second video. Gotta finish my 7 so I can share it with others. Thanks for posting.