
Well Known Member
Here's a video of my aerobatic practice today. This is the Intermediate Free sequence that I'll fly in IAC contests this year. It's not flown in an RV, but I guess it's RV-related since I used my RV-8 to get started with aerobatic contests last year. Thanks to Ron Schreck's presentation at Oshkosh in 2016, I learned how to get involved in IAC. Thanks Ron!
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No video

Sorry Karl, the video didn't come through. Good luck this year, and you should be successful in your Extra too as fast as you progressed with your RV.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Go Karl!


We won't hold it against you because you went to the dark side and parked your RV-8 in favor of an Extra. But we will be jealous! Good luck to you. I expect you will be flying in the Advanced category very soon.

Fix the video link so we can give a painful critique! :D
The link works Great ! How did you make that ground grid for practice?:D

Nice, crisp moves!

Think I'll go fly now.
I got nothin'


You have been practicing! Nice, crisp figures. I hope I can watch you fly sometime. Good luck this year. I think we will be reading about your success.
The link works Great ! How did you make that ground grid for practice?:D

Bill, I used 6'x30' white vinyl tarps for the box markers. I nailed them down to the ground with 12" spikes through the grommets. Using a GPS and a 4-wheeler, it took me 3 days to get the markers installed. It would have been faster, but I had to take a chain saw and shovel to lots of scrub brush out on the desert floor. Worth it!
Looking pretty good Karl. I think you can see some little attitude issues here and there. On the wedge, you'll definitely want to accelerate your pitch rate more as you approach the end of the radius and set your inverted 45 line in order to keep the radius round. You'll need to float more off the top of your half loop (from inverted) down and/or pull harder on the bottom. Your pitch rate slowed down on the bottom which makes it impossible to fly a round half loop.

But the main thing I see here is why did you pull so much power off before the snap? If you were approaching your max snap speed, I'd definitely recommend controlling your airspeed with throttle as required during the aileron rolling and not during the snap. Always be at full power for a level snap. A low power setting snap is not very snappy, as was the case here. :) Have fun this season, I'm sure you'll do very well.
All good points. I was negative down on both hammers, the wedge was weak...need to pull right to 45, and you're exactly right about the snap. I was over 140 kts so had to pull power. From now on I'll just start pulling power on the top of the immelman 3x2 prior to the snap so that I show up at center box on speed, cram the throttle in, and snap like a crazy man. Thanks for the inputs!
Great job Karl! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to hearing about your contests in the Extra.
Awesome Karl! Very cool video!

Charlie, you can go to the IAC website and there's a link (I think under "getting started") where you can find an instructor near you to get basic aerobatic instruction. Then after that you'll want to find a friendly IAC chapter to join if you want to move forward and compete, or just to get better at aerobatics. I just joined a very supportive chapter and did my first practice day with ground critiquing - it was a great experience! Delano is actually not too far from you. I'll be there again third week of April for another practice weekend. Why don't you stop by?
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Nice video Gash!
Good music too.
I expect you will have some fun this year

Does anybody know what ever happened to Willie Eyeballs hilarious "Dolly" back seat video series?