Great video!

You've always got good music in your videos... is that an iPod or XM?

Looking forward to the next vid!
thanks for letting us ride along.

The lake in Idaho you were talking about is Lake Pend Oreille (pronounced: pond-o-ray). Sandpoint is a nice little place.

another spot you may enjoy in that area is Cavanaugh Bay(66S) on Priest Lake. We plan on flying in there this summer.
thanks for letting us ride along.

The lake in Idaho you were talking about is Lake Pend Oreille (pronounced: pond-o-ray). Sandpoint is a nice little place.

another spot you may enjoy in that area is Cavanaugh Bay(66S) on Priest Lake. We plan on flying in there this summer.

Yes Cavanaugh Bay is on my Bucket list. I was looking at it off our right wing going into Spokane. Let me know when you are going.
Great Trip coverage

Hi Troy,

I really enjoyed both the video coverage and voicing of your trip.

Just wondering how you managed to tie back the audio to what looks like a GoPro camera. makes such a difference to have it all done live.

Well done and thanks for sharing.
Great videos Troy. Looks like you had a great trip. I want to see the beating you took from Vegas home. That sounded like an interesting flight!
There is an adaptor that Gopro sells to take a 1/8 audio plug. You then just purchase a tie in from your headset to a 1/8 audio male. It works great and as you can hear, crystal clear.

The last video is uploading. Should be ready in about an hour, but I am going to bed, Lol. I will post in the morning.

We almost hit our head a couple of times and kept having to sinche the belts tight. There was an Airmet for turbulence for almost our entire flight. It was about 6.5 hours of flying that day, when it starts out bumpy it seams to be all the same. And the whole day was the same. The video does not look as bad as it felt. It was smooth for short periods every once in a while which helped. My wife's neck got sore by the end from holding her head up and the weight of be headset. Plan to buy her a in the ear type at Oshkosh. I am sure that will make a huge difference.

What I hate the most is not being able to run at higher cruise speeds. I find that so many times the true airspeed ramps up through turbulant/high lift areas and I get into the upper 180's range. I then have to pull the power. It gets annoying so I usually fly a bit slower to allow more speed margins. Like to know what others do. The ten seams to be very slippery at high altitudes. No complaints though!:D
Last video of the trip

Here you will find the Trip home from Vegas. We flew from Henderson to Idaho Falls, on to Cutbank. Customs in Lethbridge, then final run to Cen4.
It was a great trip. Our planned dates went as planned and we got to go everywhere we wanted. Sometimes trips do go as planned.:)

Hopefully the video's sufice over a full write up. I like to watch the video to see how I handled certain situation and see what I would do better. Always things to learn when flying.

We are planning Oshkosh and a two week vacation touring the Pacific NW in August. It will be different only being a few hours from home if we need to return for some reason. We really look forward to this trip.

Here is the link.
Pretty cool journey.

I like your videos. I don't get a lot of busy airspace practice, so listening to you helps me plan for my trips. Thanks for the lessons.
There is an adaptor that Gopro sells to take a 1/8 audio plug. You then just purchase a tie in from your headset to a 1/8 audio male. It works great and as you can hear, crystal clear.

So I've also read a few places that one option to get audio to the Go Pro is to plug normal "ear buds" into the Go Pro adapter. The ear buds simply slip inside your headset ear cuffs (left and right each get an ear bud). Earbuds are just little speakers as we know. But most of us (including me until recently) don't know that speakers can also can perform well as a microphone if plugged into a mic input in certain environments, a headset ear cuff being one of them. So the earbuds pick up ATC and intercom as you hear it in your headset. One benefit is that also some of the ambient noise you hear from the engine and airframe sounds can be picked up, but in a muffled way, same as you hear it in the aircraft while wearing the headset.

Have any of you guys tried this method assuming your aircraft or headsets don't have an auxiliary microphone output that could be tapped into otherwise?

Nice video Troy! Very nice use of your aircraft for the whole family to enjoy.
nice video, and educational

I really appreciate your video essay Troy; it adresses a lot of my concerns about flying south, and in busy airspace.
Heck, yesterday, I did 150 kts on final to stay ahead of a 737, but other than that, it's not that demanding here! :rolleyes:
When SNF controller vectored you out over the ocean, beyond gliding distance to shore I assume, with your 2 little ones in the back, it made me think of one word;
Have any of you guys tried this method assuming your aircraft or headsets don't have an auxiliary microphone output that could be tapped into otherwise?

I have used this method when taking a professinal camera guy up in my ten years ago. The sound was fine, not as crisp, but more realistic to the environment.
When SNF controller vectored you out over the ocean, beyond gliding distance to shore I assume, with your 2 little ones in the back, it made me think of one word;

I was thinking it at the time after we kept going and going. I did not know how far we would go when I accepted. The controller was stressed, the 747 with flap problems was stressed and I was in the middle of it all. If I would have got any farther out I would have requested and alternate heading for the safety of my family. It did not quite come to that, but it was minutes away.:)