Dave Dollarhide

Active Member
Two of us from the "Dreamland Squadron" (7FL4) met three of the "Victor Flight" (7FL6) members for breakfast this morning at River Ranch (2RR), which is a fly in dude ranch 40 miles or so south of Orlando. ...great weekend buffet!

On the way back north, with Norm Pesh leading his Victor Flight wingies, Pat Lee slid into the slot and I shot a few photos of the diamond. The best one is this "smoke on" shot.


Now, when you're flying with some cool RV-8s and you there's time to kill, you have a chance to see parts of an airplane that airport pedestrians don't normally see. On most of our machines, you'll just see some grease on the belly, but John Fleurent has incentive to clean this one every day. (Since this is a family site, the photo has been edited slightly)

Looking Good!

Dave, Pat, looking good! Have another RV6 here that might like to join up on you guys some time! Planning trip to Haller when I have time, airline sked interfering of course.
What is a hurricane???

Out here in California, all I know is fire, and an occasional earthquake.
It is sort of like a fire, except it leaves hundreds of miles of coast line as a waste land and there are sticks left instead of ash.

I worked the Mississippi coast as a relief worker after Katrina. Where I was, nothing but concrete slabs.