
Well Known Member
Does anyone have experience or an opinion on that engine shop? I am potentially facing a full overhaul of my IO-540. They are a local shop for me which simplifies things, and supposedly endorsed by some of the biggest names in aviation. They're definitely on the expensive side of things.
When I learned to fly at PAO in the '80s, Bob Hoover used to have Victor do the engine work on his Shrike. No idea if their quality has changed over the decades... but if they're still around, that bodes well.
My impression from my limited dealings with them, and word of mouth from friends, all when I used to live in that neck of the woods, was that they were quite good, very thorough, but pretty darn expensive.

On the other hand, for a run-of-the-mill overhaul, if you go to Lycon, it will probably be a major fraction of a year before you see your engine again.
Thanks for the responses!

There is a fresh thread about them on Beech Talk (thank you DR for not doing what Beech Talk is doing, gating their content behind a silly "real name" system). The thread is all good feedback, so I took the bait.

Since they are local to me (20 minute bicycle ride), they promised I can visit the shop from time to time to see their progress on the engine. That basically sealed the deal.