
I can receive VHF transmissions clearly but others that receive mine say that they are not clear and are somewhat garbled. What internal settings did you all use for the SL40? The default settings were not good so I set mine the same as my piper but it did not help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you use the factory settings you will need to adjust them to achieve best results. I got a lot of feedback on my first flight.
Here are my settings that may help you get in the ball park.

HEADPHONE LEVEL 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC 1 SQUELCH 009 (Bose x)
MIC 2 SQUELCH 012 (Flight Com)
SIDE TONE 000 (slave to volume control)
MIC XMIT option 1,2,both (if both, then both mics will xmit when either 1 OR 2 is pushed. Open mic will pick up cabin noise.

More about it here.
Thanks for the info Rich. I'll put those settings in and report back as soon as I good some good weather to fly.
Rich, I used the settings that you suggested and now my radio works great! Everyone that I talked to today while flying said that I was transmitting loud and clear and I could hear them the same. So thank you very much for the help. There were two other RV-12's here that were having the same problems. I set their radios to your suggested settings and it fixed the problem. So once again, a big thank you from all of us.
Radio Transmissions

I had a guy come back to me today who said that my transmission was almost unreadable and was "full of static"; I did a com check on the ground and the guys in the FBO said that the transmission was fine...
It was suggested that we retighten all the connections to the radio in the panel. Any other ideas???
Meade and George