Piper J3

Well Known Member
Can someone advise me if there is a different allowable leak down rate for VFR vs IFR? Are both 100'/min when altimeter is elevated 1000' above AGL?
The Real Test?

Walt, that's the real test?
Pump system up to 1000' and time leak down,
and it has to be no more than 100'/min?

There is no static leak test requirement for a "VFR" (not IFR) aircraft.

So let me ask you this... If my static system leaks more than 100'/min is it OK to schedule a VFR transponder certification test?
I would not accept any leakage, but that's me. I found that my Vertical speed indicator glass was leaking so I put a thin coat of epoxy around the edges of the glass and so far all is good.
Then I found that air was passing from the static side to the pitot side of the air speed indicator, {not fixable and it was new} so I purchased a new one.
Then I found some plastic fittings leaking...Ahhhhhhh
Yes very time consuming to get it right...
Be patient you will get it right..
So let me ask you this... If my static system leaks more than 100'/min is it OK to schedule a VFR transponder certification test?
I don't think Mode C transponder test has any thing to do with static leak test. But finding a leak might not be that difficult and worth fixing.
So let me ask you this... If my static system leaks more than 100'/min is it OK to schedule a VFR transponder certification test?

Yes, there is no requirement to test this for a 'VFR' transponder check. Would it be a good idea to fix it... yes, but don't let that stop you from getting the xpdr checked.
Thanks guys... I will get Transponder test now and work on static system integrity this summer when I remove fuel tank and baggage compartment bulkhead.