are you vfr or ifr pilot?

  • vfr pilot

    Votes: 32 40.0%
  • getting ifr rating

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • ifr

    Votes: 37 46.3%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
this poll is for rv pilots only. are you vfr, ifr ,or in the process of getting a ifr rating.
5,000mi/500 ft/50 hrs/ 5 countrys

ower family did a lifetime trip in ower r-44 last january. connecticut to virgin islands and back. the exumas were incredible!!!!!!!!! 100 miles of.....well there you are. the pics speak for themselves. the best part was spending time with dad [89 yrs young] and my brother. it was a life changing experience in a way for us all. i encourage everyone to fly there. i guess the next place i should go to is alaska.i hope dad can make that trip too. enjoy the pics. helis have opened up a new excitement in flying for me. :eek:turbo
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