
Well Known Member
The first group of VFR pilots will be heading to Cuba during early May, 2017. This was the same group that was scheduled to fly VFR there in November, but got postponed when Fidel Castro died. Hopefully this will show the Cuban government that letting pilots fly VFR there on a regular basis is a good thing for them.

FWIW; This event is being coordinated by the International Air Rally so if you want more information and possibly join in contact them directly.

The first group of VFR pilots will be heading to Cuba during early May, 2017. This was the same group that was scheduled to fly VFR there in November, but got postponed when Fidel Castro died. Hopefully this will show the Cuban government that letting pilots fly VFR there on a regular basis is a good thing for them.

FWIW; This event is being coordinated by the International Air Rally so if you want more information and possibly join in contact them directly.

Sent you a PM.
Also, the international air rally link did not post on your thread.