
I need a plane that is IFR. I am willing to update the avonics of the plane. what are the FAA regulations regarding this. Does the plane need to be registered 'IFR', 'IFR/VFR' or some kind of log book entries? thanks
There is no ‘ifr registration’. What you need to see is in the Phase 2 operating limitations (which must be on-board), the words, “Limited to VFR unless equipped in accordance with FAR 91.205...”.
If those words are there (and you have the required equipment) then you’re “approved” for ifr. If those words are not there, you must petition the local FSDO to change the op limits and put them there. Normally not too difficult.
BTW, if you want to fly after sunset, there should be similar words (“day only, unless equipped iaw FAR...”).
IFR requirements

There is no such thing as an "IFR certified plane" even tho most of us refer to that. The static system needs to be check iaw part 91.411 and the transponder iaw 91.413. (both every 2 years) You also need to have on board the appropriate equipment/radios for the route being flown, including the destination airport.

Appropriate electrons (efis) are a suitable substitute for the mechanical spinning things. (gyros).

The bare minimum would be a basic six pack and a single nav/com and transponder. Your comfort level may require a few more pieces of equipment.
looking at his profile he is interested in the rv12. is there a limitation on any 12s? :rolleyes:
re RV12 for IFR

A. a Light Sport Airplane CAN be equipped and flown for night operations, and/ or IFR.
B. But NOT by a Sport Pilot [that license is specific to Day VFR only].
This is true whether the aircraft is registered EAB, or ELSA - or SLSA as the new factory products will be.