
Well Known Member
Looking for some insights on installing a vertical sump IO-360 on a 7A. I ordered a TMX-IO-360 and have my FWF kit. Vans had me get the O-360 FWF with several alterations. I installed my boost pump and filter tonight per the Vans drawing but stopped short of plumbing the feed line from the pump to the firewall because I couldn't determine where to penetrate. I'm putting my fuel flow sensor directly forward of the pump under the standard IO center floor cover. The pump/filter drawings made the tube installations look pretty daunting but I found them fairly easy with only 1 do-over.

My first question was whether the gascolator was used with the IO installation. A search of old threads indicates it is optional but recommended. So I guess I'll be adding that.

The next question is where do I penetrate the FW? The IO FWF shows the penetration more to the center than does the O-360 drawing (lower right corner at the gascolator). I'm sure many builders have crossed this bridge already so I would appreciate some hints.

I'm thinking the gascolator and FW penetration should be per the O-360 drawing, is that right?

Any other penetration peculiarities I should expect?

An oh-by-the-way: I ran short of 3/8 fuel tubing because I had to redo a feed line to the valve so I ordered another 8 feet from Spruce. The new tubing yielded far better bends than that supplied by Vans even though it was the same spec. I definately recommend buying from Spruce versus Vans if you need more. It works better, is inexpensive and there isn't a $4 handeling fee.

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