
Active Member
I'm about an hour from completion of the vertical stab (yahoo!!)

Any tips on how to set the two forward-most rivets on the skinny curve end of the VS? It's where the tip rib meets the curve in the leading edge of the VS tip.

I have 4 bucking bars, and none of them will quite fit into that space. My squeezer doesn't quite get in there far enough to line up straight. I don't like the idea of hogging off a sizable chuck of the yoke on the squeezer on a grinder.

How have others tackled these two tight fit rivets?


No Pop Rivets (LOL)

Sounds good, I'll see if Cleveland Tools has an appropriate yoke. I am not a purist, but probably close to a perfectionist and I'm not willing to concede defeat yet ;)

Thanks for all the input as usual!!
The network at work doesn't let me see your pictures but something I've read on this site somewhere is you may be able to back-rivet it by laying the end of a cold chisel (or other thin, flat steel) on the rivet tail, raising the other end of the steel to act as fulcrum, and use the rivet gun on the steel.

good idea

Ah, yes, somewhere in my initial reading/research I had seen or heard of that technique. It hadn't occurred to me. Thanks for jogging the memory! That should work. Those #3 rivets squish up pretty readily ;-)
Ah, thanks so much. It wouldn't hurt for me to go back and re-watch all those videos now that I know a thing or 2 LOL.