I'm Stephen, and I'm now managing customer experience at Vertical Power, including product support. This new account on VAF will be our daily link to the forums now, but rest assured that Marc (MCA) will continue his presence here too. RV builders have always been our largest group of customers, so we want you to know we're here and ready to help.

On a personal note, I've been a paid member here for several years posting as "fatherson", and my son and I are coming along with building an RV-9, with an unstarted RV-3 tail-kit in our shop as well. I'll continue posting from my personal account here, while posting Vertical Power related info and assistance from this new one.

Marc, Dan, and I will be at most of the RV-related events at AirVenture, while also manning our booth in Hangar B. Grab us at the events or stop by and see us.

Talk to you soon.

Welcome to VAF!!!!

Stephen, a hardy welcome in your new guise and VAF persona :D

I for one, find it very gratifying that we have this avenue of contact (known as VAF) that many vendors choose to be part of.

Good luck in your new position, and thanks for the presence here.
Seconding the welcome to Stephen and VP. I'm looking forward to using the VP-200 in my RV-10 and am glad to have a direct contact in case I need assistance, even though I expect Aerotronics will be able to answer all my questions.

Wow! I should have thought of that! The quickest way to get a Vice President title :D

Stephen Humprey VP Customer Service! ;)

Current VP100 Fly'er
Just a quick note to say how VERY pleased I have been with the Vertical Power customer support / tech support experience! I'm in the process of putting the VP-X Pro in my RV-8 and couldn't be happier with everything from documentation to telephone and email support. These guys are the real deal!
also, some much bigger companies could learn a lesson from your excellent documentation and planning tools!!!

regards from a very happy vp200 camper ;-)
Please give those of us who will be going to Oshkosh for the first time, an idea of the Vertical Power presence at the show.

Please give those of us who will be going to Oshkosh for the first time, an idea of the Vertical Power presence at the show.


Great Presence! Marc was there with his demonstrators of the devices/products.

He also gave me tips while I was building....easy when you get to push all the buttons and see everything work.

Doesn't hurt that he is an RV guy himself :D
Great News

This is great news. I have been impressed with Vertical Power and when I get closer, I will be contacting you guys.
Good luck with the new duties and your build. Chat later.
Vertical Power at OSH

Please give those of us who will be going to Oshkosh for the first time, an idea of the Vertical Power presence at the show.

Gladly! Thanks for asking.

At least one of us will always be at our booth, #2030 in Hangar B. We'll have VP-X Pro and VP-400 units available to demo, as well as Garmin G3X and Dynon EFIS displays to show VP-X integration.

Marc will also be presenting several times in the forums:

Designing Electrical Systems For Your Plane

July 24th (Tuesday); 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM;
Forum Pavilion 11 BRP/Rotax

We will focus on which systems work best for your plane and the impacts of various equipment choices as they relate to electrical requirements. Choices can depend on IFR vs. VFR, turbine, piston, air conditioning, etc. We'll also discuss many of the new electrical products on the market such as backup batteries, alternators, and lights (LED & Incandescent). Also discussed will be fuses vs. circuit breakers and the newer Vertical Power equipment and its impact on electrical systems.

Presented by: Stein Bruch and Marc Ausman

Computers That Fly the Plane in an Emergency

July 24th (Tuesday); 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM;
Forum Pavilion 08 NATCA

A new technology called "Runway Seeker" has been recently introduced in the experimental aircraft market. This technology automatically flies the plane to the best runway to land in case of an engine failure. How does the system work? What were some of the challenges in its design? Should you trust a computer to bring you to a runway under emergency conditions?

Presented by: Marc Ausman and Austin Meyer

The VP-400 with Runway-Seeker

July 25th (Wednesday); 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM;
Forum Pavilion 11 BRP/Rotax

The VP-400 is new backup EFIS for your airplane that has backup Synthetic Vision, Moving Map, Electronic Circuit Breakers, and climate control. It seeks out the best runway at the best airport within gliding range in the event of engine failure or pilot incapacitation.

Presented by: Austin Meyer and Marc Ausman

Benefits of Electronic Circuit Breakers

July 28th (Saturday); 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM;
Forum Pavilion 03 Sennheiser Aviation

In the last decade, there has been a significant shift away from the use of mechanical systems toward all-electric systems in experimental aircraft. We will compare traditional electrical systems with modern electronic circuit breakers.

Presented by: Marc Ausman

See you there,

This post reminded me that I need to download the configuration executable onto my personal laptop before my work's big brother makes me remove it off my company laptop. I have the VPX Sport and I have to interface directly with the box from a computer to make changes.

I didn't ever think I would have a unit in my plane. I remember Marc doing the initial demos at Osh when he brought the product to market. Man that was way outside my build budget. They listened to the market and started offering various products across the board/budgets. Anybody who intends to install an EFIS into the plane they are building and the box is capable of displaying the VPX information, just go ahead and get one of the VPX products closest to your budget and you'll never look back. When I started wiring my plane nothing offered was in my price range so even though I ended up practically rewiring my plane I am glad I did.
Welcome Stephen. I am a very happy VP-200 customer. Customer support and service has been simply outstanding for the four years I have been doing business with VP. Sorry I won't be making it to Oshkosh this year.

And the nice shirt that was passed out at OSH a few years ago. Mine is getting pretty worn and tattered looking.

Yep, my VP t-shirt finally bit the dust a couple of months ago. While at Staniel Cay in the Bahamas, my wife pointed out (with a horrified expression) that my VP t-shirt had a large hole in the armpit!:eek: So, it has been banned from any social situation beyond working in the yard. I would love to have another one for more genteel occasions!
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Yep, my VP t-shirt finally bit the dust a couple of months ago. I would love to have another one!

It is a shame to have to show off our fantastic VP installation with an old tattered tshirt. :D

I may even be willing to pay for a nice polo.
