Standard 2.25" cutout and 4 hole pattern. Two additional holes are required to access the magnetic adjustment screws, these are in odd postions and not symmetric about the cenerline.
hole pattern

guess I better wait until it's in hand before drilling those extra holes, huh??

....mount it in the panel, Ron. Ours had specific instructions to let it dangle from our rollbar support tube. We had it in the panel (hurriedly, to please the inspector:)) and it constantly spun,. making it effectively unusable,

Mine works in my panel!

I did not think it would work in my panel, until I went to Sun-n-Fun and saw that a lot of people had theirs in their panel. I bought one, came home and mounted it in the panel, turned everything on and it did not move. It works great in my panel. I am sure it all depends on what you have in your panel and where it is mounted. Mine is working great in my panel! Also notice the correction card below it, it is velcroed on and covers the adjustment holes :)

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