pierre smith

Well Known Member
....after two and a half years! It just quit this Saturday for no apparent reason. I have it mounted on the roll bar brace and it dangles freely not touching anything. I took it off and it won't barely move as I turn around. The magnets inside are in place and nothing seems loose.

Anyone else have a vertical card compass go belly up?

Stays belly up might be a better description - the darn thing hasn't worked well since new, and it is a PAI or some such brand. It sort of gives hints on heading.
Back when I was part of the "Grumman Gang", people were always posting about problems with their vertical card compasses. I seem to remember that they were delicate, and if you used a magnetic screwdriver anywhere near them at any time, they became junk.

(I know I am being unfair to them, and am only reporting hearsay....I like the way they look!)

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