Well Known Member
Can vernier controls be removed from the panel (for panel removal) without disconnecting the engine end? In other words, can the operating knobs be removed so the assembly can be pulled forward out of the panel?

Thanks for the help,

Pretty sure someone can find a way to do so, but the bigger question would be if they can be put back into working order again;);)
Can vernier controls be removed from the panel (for panel removal) without disconnecting the engine end? In other words, can the operating knobs be removed so the assembly can be pulled forward out of the panel?

Thanks for the help,


Wishfull thinking :rolleyes:
Thanks, folks --If Walt

indicates it is unlikely, that is probably the right answer --- I guess I will put the sawzall away and get the wrenches out!

I did two things to address this problem -

one - I put all of the cables on a sub panel under the main panel. The main panel can be removed while the sub panel stays in place.

Second- I mounted the cables in the sub panel via a "slot" that is closed by another slotted panel. These two slotted panels are overlaid one on top of the other and screwed together to form a closed hole. In order to get the cable out of the panel I unscrew the sandwiched panels, slide the slotted panel away and that allows the cable to drop out of the now open slot.

Guess that does not help if you didn't do either of these from the get go. Don't think you can successfully disassemble the knobs from the cable, but you could incorporate the "closed slot" idea if you have nothing on your panel below the cables. Cut a slot up to the cable hole. Drop the cables down through the slot for your current work. Then fab a closure plate to recapture the cables in the slot.
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Great idea

When I rebuild the panel I intend to make it modular --- the slotted control panel would be a good addition.
I did just that.


All my controls are mounted on a separate section that is attached my three 8/32 screws.

It works pretty well!

:) CJ