
I installed a shutter in front of my oil cooler, which really helps but I still end up with cool oil temps when the outside temp is hovering around +10 F. Next winter I'm thinking about possibly installing a Vernatherm, since I've now got the shutter on the front of the cooler and a blank-off plate on the rear of it, it doesn't leave too much more I can do on the air side. My question is, have you guys installed the 3 port models to bypass the oil around the cooler or the 2 port models which simply restrict the flow through the oil cooler?

It's more of a plumbing question since the 2 port model would be a lot easier to install if it could be installed at the oil cooler inlet or outlet. Other reading I've done has shown them installed right at the engine block, by the fuel pump - which could be a lot harder to get at in a retro-fit situation, especially if there's 2 oil lines requied for a bypass and a normal flow.

Thanks in advance.

Rick Luck
Rick, another idea...

This winter (first one flying my plane) I as having trouble getting the oil temp high enough. I tried installing different sized plates over the backside of the oil cooler without much success.
I then cut a piece of baffle seal that would block off the oil cooler from the front side (inside the baffle), held in place with one #3 bolt and the oil temp came backup into the 190 degree range on a zero degree day. Ground warm-up period was now only 5 minutes.
