I have a question regarding the Dynon Skyview and setting up a possible alert. Is there a way to have the Skyview annunciate FLAPS when the speed hits 80 knots. I want it to only annunciate once and not continuously and only when speed is increasing. It's either that or I will change my practices to taking off with no flaps as (my friend):D has unfortunately set up cruise with one notch of flaps still in. I follow checklists but when the airspace is busy it's easy to miss flaps up. Cruise with one notch is a little bit different as the need for more power but when distractions arise it can get missed. I'm sure my friend is the only one to ever have this happen.

I fly off of a grass field and always use one notch of flap for takeoff. At least once a year I forget to raise flap and settle into cruise at slower speed with attitude indicator not showing level flight. The older I get the longer it takes to recognize the problem...
After Takeoff Checklist:

Flaps Up ... Lights out
Gear ... OFF, Lights out
Autobrake ... OFF
Start Switches ... As required
Engine Bleeds and Packs ... ON & AUTO
APU ... As required

That's how the working man does it :D
Dynon has addressed this capability on the Skyview forum, there is no internal feature you can access to accomplish this. Their recommendation is to use the RS232 data output to a device that would figure out the condition and alarm as needed. Something like a Raspberry Pi would work well if you want to program the condition logic and connect the audio out to the intercom.

There is an RV-12 mod that featured a microswitch to monitor flaps up or down; post #119 at https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=64145&page=12.

If you want to use the internal Dynon functions, you could do something like the flap position microswitch wired in series with an air speed switch from Aircraft Extras wired to a Dynon SV monitored contact pin. You could set the switch to activate at 80 kts and monitor the flap handle position with the microswitch on/off to complete the circuit. You could setup a Dynon FLAPS widget to show a RED/GREEN/YELLOW condition if the airspeed is over 80 knots and the flaps are down. The choice of a open circuit or closed circuit would depend on the microswitch NO or NC configuration with the airspeed switch state.

John Salak
RV-12 N896HS
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I will look through these suggestions and figure out what my next steps may be. Once again thanks for the help!